Moderator Lead: Jessica H

I joined the trading group in 2019 and became a member of the Moderator team in 2020. I have moved up to leading the development of other members desiring to join the team.

I love learning and guiding all levels of people. Trading is an activity that allows me to continue learning, growing, and sharing opportunities for choices with others.

Moderator: Burr S

Main moderator for the Orientation G4S3 Room.

Moderator: Christina D

My interest in joining this team is to learn and grow from the team. I want to help others.

Being in this group and on sessions, aligns with my desires to provide support, education, and connections with more people and help them grow as well.

Moderator: Darlene S

I have been a business owner for most of my adult life with expertise in Cosmetology, Graphic Artist, and Recording/Video Editing.

I have always had an interest in trading and never traded before joining the group. For me, joining the Trading group has been life changing.

Moderator: Georges B

Main moderator for the Pre-US live trading session.

I was born in Belgium and raised in South Africa. I have an MBA and degrees in Analytical Chemistry and Chemical Engineering; also a Scuba instructor, Rescue Diver, and licensed private pilot.

My successful company specialized, developed, and patented technologies in the manufacturing and installation of HDPE pipe and reticulation systems for 27 years, allowing my wife and I to emigrate to Florida in 2005. We celebrate 35 years of marriage and 2 children.

Joining DTG allowed me to make an income from trading to fund our goal of eventually sailing around the world on our yacht.

Moderator: Hillrey D

Moderator: Jim L

I grew-up in California and have a background in Culinary Arts, Kitchen Management, Sales, and online trading. I found the Trading Group through KFBK radio, decided to buckle down and make this my main/retirement income source.

I enjoy helping others to succeed and if I can just help one person be successful it gives me a great feeling of accomplishment.

Moderator: Nancy U

I have an MBA from the American Graduate School of International Management and worked in the fields of Banking and Real Estate for 25 years.

I am thrilled to have found the Delta Trading Group, where I have gained the foundational resources I was seeking for learning how to trade futures.

Moderator: Pat L

I was born and raised in Texas. I was an operator in a local chemical plant for 44 years. I heard about Delta Trading Group from their radio ad and was interested in making this a “backup plan” for retirement.

After about 6 months thinking this was too good to be true, I checked it out and found everything to be open, transparent, and true. I joined in February 2020, and am glad I did.

Having zero experience in trading I quickly found out I can do this and the only regret I have is waiting 6 months to start the program. I have met a lot of good people here and look forward to devoting more of my time to Delta.

Moderator: Robert V

I grew up in a small rural part of Missouri working on a farm. After about 10 years I transitioned into heavy equipment operator, then was a truck driver, and changed gears to managing a restaurant chain. I am now the owner/operator of a handyman business.

I joined Delta in January 2020 and since 2022 I have been involved with the Moderator Apprentice program with the goal of helping other members in achieving success.

Co-Moderator: Jim S

In the senior era of my life, I was looking for ways to make extra money, other than being a Walmart greeter.

Having heard the radio ad for Delta Trading Group, I enrolled. The Academy and the Sessions have gotten me to where I am today. I am thankful, and look forward to the guests experiencing the same process.

Co-Moderator: Michael J

Before joining DTG, I was a Compliance Training Manager, a Senior Learning and Development Specialist, and a volunteer police chaplain.

I have been with DTG for about a year and a half with some success in trading coming finally after making my share (or maybe even a little more than my share) of mistakes. Thanks to the Moderator program, I was able to learn from those mistakes. And now I am happy to be a part of the Moderator team.

Co-Moderator: Ran M

I have been with the company since Sept of 2021. I am recently retired and very excited about the opportunity Delta Trading offers me as a trader.

I like to help others in any way I can.