DTG Session Archives
Session Archives are available while you are an active Live Trading Session member in good standing. Not all sessions are archived; only select sessions that are generally no more than 12 months old.
Session Archives are available while you are an active Live Trading Session member in good standing. Not all sessions are archived; only select sessions that are generally no more than 12 months old.
Session Archives Explained
2025-03-03 (video 7841) What is Trend and How is it Defined? (key words20 and 90 EMA, POR, GANN lines)
2025-03-04 (video 7847) AIS and Turnaround (key words: 6 AIS including turnaround, discussion of auction in the market)
2025-03-05 (Video 7852) Trade Probabilities (key words: table on doji trunaround with and without trend, money management)
2025-03-06 (Video 7856) Candlestick Formation (Key words: candlestick parts and formation,ultimate guide)
2025-03-07 (video 7862) Change 1 Variable at a time (key words: variable)
2025-02-03 (Video 7749) Look to the Left (key words: looking left and HPP foe evidence of influence on current PA)
2025-02-04 (Video 7757) Candlestick Basics (key words: CS parts and meaning)
2025-02-05 (Video 7762) Headroom & Clouds (key words: wicks, volatility, position)
2025-02-06 (Video 7766) Pullback and Position (key words: change in direction represented by AIS, discount, position and trend)
2025-02-07 (video 7772) Having a Discount (key words: discount associated with pullback, GLZ)
2025-02-10 (Video 7774) TTR and Journaling (Key Words: Setting up TTR, adding tabs and lines, entering notes)
2025-02-11 (video 7781) Pivot Points & Gann lines (Key words: POR, PP, HPP, Gann Lines)
2024-02-12 (Video 7786) Change 1 Variable at a Time (Key words: change 1 variable, not 3, look at stats to decide which variable, look at TNT tab)
2024-02-13 (Video 7791) 4 Axioms and SON (key words: money management, SON states and diagrams)
2025-02-14 (Video 7777) Basics of Tech Analysis (key words: Basics of Tech Analysis: Look also at: 1) Candlestick Charts 2) Market Trend 3) Pivot points 4) Indicators 5) Patterns)
2025-02-18 (video 7800) Why Most Traders Lose Money (key words: goal 50/50 trader, emotional trading, over and under trading)
2025-02-19 (Video 7805) 20 Components of a Successful Trading Plan (key words: academy Crse 2 Chap3, TTR Journal, Trade Plan, Why trading?, Hope to gain?, What separates you?, This is not a hobby, weaknesses, schedule, entry criteria, including stops,)
2025-02-20 (Video 7810) Controlling Your Emotions (key words: Emotions in Trading, consistancy.)
2025-02-21 (Video 7816) The Art of War adn Its Application to Futures Trading (key words: know yourself and trade analysis, battles are won before they are fought)
2025-02-24 (video 7818) Origins of the D123 (key words: TRCH, Position, Wicks, Box 1-3)
2025-02-25 (Video 7824) Ball Formation (key words: Ball formation)
2025-02-26 (Video 7829) Reading Charts (Key Words:boxes at bottom, AIS, explanation of ribbons for candle and daily information)
2025-02-27 (Video 7833) Trend and Position (key words: TRCH, direction, position, retracement, clouds, headroom)
2025-02-28 (Video 7839) Planning your Trade ( Key words: direction and position, TRCH, HTT)
2025-01-02 (video 7655) Define Retracement & Pullbacks ( key words: Turnaround,Trend, Pullbacks, HTT Trades, D123 Trade)
2025-01-03 ((Video 7661) TRCH and Position (Key words: TRSH deconstruction, position to determine whether to take trade)
2025-01-06 (Video 7663) This is Your Business (key words: mission, objectives, expenses, commitment, discipline, record keeping resiliance and adaptive)
2025-01-07 (Video 7670) Gambler Mentality (key words: Volitality, fogi, cherrypicking, ais)
2025-01-08 (Video 7675) Fear & Greed (key words: Fear Greed)
2025-01-10 (video 7679) Why Do Some Traders Lose Money (key words: wicks, lack of education, emotions, risk mgt, trading strategy, distractions, not following your plan, trade w/o practice)
2025-01-13 (Video 7681) Recognizing Trends (Key words: confluence with previous market?, trend clear from POR, EMA, and Gann lines?, trend can suggest volatility and risky trades)
2025-01-14 (Video 7688) Trend and Pullback (key words: Look left to see trend and pullback. Use pivot and turning points to help determine trend changes.)
2025-01-15 (video 7691) Clouds and Headroom (key words: proximity to earlier PA, just because you have clouds, does not mean that the trade will not fill)
2025-01-16 (Video 7697) AIS, Looking Left (key words: five AIS, HPP, CZ, looking left)
2025-01-17 (Video 7703) Taking Good Notes (key words: describe trade as you see it, more description is better, makes you a better and more self confident trader)
2025-01-21 (Video 7706) D123 Trades (key words: Rule sheet)
2025-01-22 (Video 7711) states of nature (key words: LS-SF, SS-LF, LS-SS)
2025-01-23 (Video 7715) Ultimate Guide (key words: candles, dojis, and candle combinations)
2025-01-24 (video 7717) Risk Management (Key words: none)
2025-01-27 (video 7719) Gut Feel vs. Strategy (Key words: Risk management, perxonal bias, volatility)
2025-01-28 (Video 7722) How Trading Environment Affects Psychology (Key words: midset, emotions, feelings, distsractions, planning)
2025-01-29 (video 7724) FOMO and FOGI (key words: knowledge and trading style, patience and consistency,dont make decisions based on previous fills or stops)
2025-01-30 (Video 7730) Do Not Focus on Stops (key words: emotions, decisions, trade to stop limit, )
2025-01-31 (Video 7736) Risk Management (key words: fewer trades and higher quality, risk management, emotional control)
2024-12-02 (Video 7568) Candlestick Basics (Key words: open, close, High Low, body, wicks, rejection, time period, Buying, selling, Context )
2024-12-03 (Video 7575) Trend and Gann Lines (Key words: two methods to determine trend, Gann lines and how they fit PA)
2024-12-04 (Video 7580) 1000 LTS-Look to The Left (key words: Look To The Left)
2024-12-05 (Video 7585 ) Looking Left (Key words: Look left)
2024-12-06 (Video 7587) 4 Axioms (key words: Comfort Zones, HPP, AIS)
2024-12-09 (Video 7589) AIS and DB ( key words: Wicks, AIS, DB's)
2024-12-10 (Video 7596) Dojis and Pinbars (Key words: rule sheet, AIS)
2024-12-11 (Video 7598) Discount Traders (key words: GLZ, reentry can eat up discount,pullback and GLZ)
2024-12-12 (Video 7603) Delta Turnaround With the Trend (key words: turnaround on rule sheet, ultimate indecision symbol, )
2024-12-13 (Video 7609) Planning Your Trades (key words: PA, trend, points up to fill and down to stop out, pullbacks and direction change)
2024-12-16 (Video 7611) Defensive Trading (key words: Use 50/50 Trader concepts and strategy using all Delta Academy rules and become consistent then add stacking of contracts when you achieve multi-contract status. Less is More in taking trades)
2024-12-17 (Video 7618) Your Behavior Matters (key words: trade what you see and stick to your rules, no bad reactions or your account will be effected, no emotion based trades)
2024-12-18 (Video 7621) Trading Environment (key words: desk and chair, focused on charts, clean desk)
2024-12-19 (video 7626) The Art of War in Trading (key words: trading is like war, strategy required, focus and discipline, deception)
2024-12-20 (Video 7632) Five Golden Rules (key words: job, business plan, one strategy, trust charts, KISS)
2024-12-23 (Video 7634) Confluence and Context (key words: Context:Look for: 1) High/low for day 2) Key Levels (HPPs) 3) Look for HH HL LH LL within key levels 4) size of candles 5) wicks and size of wicks 6) prevailing tend 7) POSITION. Confluence)
2024-12-26 (Video 7641Candlestick and Ball Formation (key words: ball formation, rules, candlestick parts)
2024-12-27 (video 7643) Market Conditions (Key words: trends with EMA and POR, consolidated and CZ,expanding and contracting)
2024-12-30 (Video 7645) HTT Trade (Key words: simularities anad differences to D123)
2024-12-31 (Video 7648) Trade Plan for 2025 (key words: SITT, rules, patience, KISS, practice, TTR, what you see)
2024-11-01 (Video 7492) Secret sauce of trading (key words: Secret Sauce of Trading)
2024-11-04 (Video 7494) Why Traders Feel Trapped, How to Overcome This (key words: liquidity, do not panic, focus on good trades)
2024-11-05 (Video 7501) How to manage losing trades, losing to win (key words: learning eveent, follow the rules, rulilng fear, no revenge trades, change trading style)
2023-11-06 (Video 7505) Jim C's Rules (key words: Jim C's 10 Rules Reviewed)
2024-11-07 (Video 7510) Ways to Improve Trading Discipline (Key words: Discipline in Trading)
2024-11-08 (Video 7513) Trade when market is not random (Key words: random PA, emotion and fear, role of institutional traders)
2024-11-11 (Video 7515) The Rules (key words: Doji, Pinbar; DB TRCH GB BB; )
2024-11-12 (Video 7523) Ball Formation (key words: Ball Formation, HTT Trades, Position, TRCH)
2024-11-13 (Video 7529) TRCH (Key words: trend, retracement, clouds, headroom)
2024-11-14 (Video 7534) Retracement and Clouds (Key words: pullback clouds and stop outs)
2024-11-15 (Video 7536) Horizontal Pivot Points (key words: "PA, Century points HTT trades, Ball Formation, HPP")
2024-11-18 (Video 7538) Indecision Symbols ( key words: Rule Sheet; Indicision Symbole; Doji; Pinbar; DB; Pivot Point; Turning Point; Ultimate Indecision Symbol;)
2024-11-19 (Video 7545) What is your Trend (Key words: Identifying Trend, Experience, Technical vs. Psychological, TRCH, Position)
2024-11-20 (Video 7550) Why Use the G4S3? The 4 Axioms of Trading (key words: G4S3)
2024-11-21 (Video 7555) Trading in Your Lane (key words: HTT Practice)
2024-11-22 (Video 557) Becoming a Multi-Contract Trader (Key words: "No Trend No trade, Increasing Contracts, Left side of the chart Stat’s")
2024-11-25 (Video 7559) How to Control Your Emotions and Win at Trading (key words: emotional temperature moderate, control anger fear, vs blase, trading plan weakness and resolution)
2024-11-26 (Video 7562) The Difference Between Losing and WInning Traders (Key words: plan trades, follow the rules, consistency)
2024-11-27 (Video 7564) Trust Your Knowledge and Make Your Decision (Key words:confidence in decisions vs fear and doubt, results dont affect your decision, unrealistic expectations)
2024-10-01 (Video 7377) Looking Left (key words: Position, Risk Management, Consolidation)
2024-10-02 (Video 7382) Ball Formation (Key words: AIS, D123 rules. rule 1 and 2)
2024-10-03 (Video 7385) Wicks and Volatility (key words: Volatility, Expanding Markets, Wicks)
2024-10-04 (Video 7392) Documenting and Journalling (key words: HTT, Business vs. Hobby, Discount)
2024-10-07 (Video 7394) Trading with an Edge (key words: D123 Rules are our ‘Edge.’ TRCH. Position. Discount. TNTs for risky trades. Risk. News catalysts. Situational awareness. Capital Preservation.)
2024-10-08 (Video 7401) Importance of Clouds (key words:"60/40 & G4/S3 Explanations, TRCH-ing, HTT Trades, Reason for The Forced trade, When looking at the Trade,")
2024-10-09 (video 7406) Context and Confluence (Key words: HPP and similarity to other trades at same price point)
2024-10-11 (Video 7416) Looking Left (key words: TRCH, Looking left, Plan trade, clouds, HR )
2024-10-10 (Video - 7411) Recognizing Trend (Key words: rule sheet, ball with trend, turnaround)
2024-10-11 (Video 7416) Looking Left (Key words: The TRCH, Looking to the left. Plan trade with clouds and HR in mind)
2024-10-14 (Video 7418) D123 vs HTT Trade (key words: D123 and HTT Trade Rules Reviewed. Ball Formation Rules Reviewed. Blended Candlestick Rules reviewed. Position is paramount on both types of trades. )
2024-10-15 (video 7425) Losing vs Winning Traders (key words: TRCH, not jumping on the trend bus, psychology)
2024-10-16 (Video 7430) Fear and Greed (key words: fear and greed should not control trading, follow the rules, recognize these emotions)
2024-10-17 (Video 7434) Jim C's 10 Reminders (key words: "Jim C’s> #9, #2, #10, #4 HTT trades, Trend is King, , Follow the Rules ")
2024-10-18 (Video 7440) Risk Management (key words: Position, Dice Analogy, Money Management)
2024-10-21 (Video 7442) D123 Trade (key words : context, confluence, Rule sheet, Box1, box2, Box3)
2024-10-22 (Video 7450) Rule Sheet (Key words: D123)
2024-10-23 ( video 7455) Indecision (key words: ultimate guide, rule sheet, )
2024-10-24 (Video 7460) TRCH (Key Words: trend, EMA, POR, lightning bolt pattern, retracement, reentry, pullback, GLZ, clouds, position, headroom,)
2024-10-25 (Video 7466) Context and Trade Planning (key words: planning TRCH and HPPs, historical PA and where it applies)
2024-10-28 (video 7468) Charts and Candlesticks (Key words: HPP, HTT, Trend, TRCH, CZs )
2024-10-29 (Video 7475) Deep and Shallow Retracements (key words: Retracement and PA)
2024-10-30 (Video 7480) Candlesticks and Wicks (key words: "Types of Trades, PA, How Green & Blue candles are formed, Wicks are Price Acton")
2024-10-31 (Video 7485) Context and Confluence (key words: evaluate PA and EMA, POR, tops and bottoms,AIS, momentum, HPP)
2024-09-03 (Video 7283) Waiting for Confirmation (Trade Risk, Direction or Trend Change, Wicks)
2024-09-04 (Video 7288) How the Trading Environment Affects Our Psychology (TRCH, Plan the Trade)
2024-09-05 (Video 7293) Psychology of Trading (FOMO, FOGI, Over and Under Trading)
2024-09-06 (Video 7299) SITT - Stay In The Trade
2024-09-09 (Video 7301) Developing Patience and Knowing When to Trade (Trend, AIS, Direction vs Position)
2024-09-10 (Video 7305) EMAs and Points of Reference (Trend)
2024-09-11 (Video 7310) TRCH of G4S3 (Trend, AIS, Balls)
2024-09-12 (Video 7317) What is the Story of the Market Using AIS (TRCH, Trend)
2024-09-13 (Video 7323) Disciplining Behaviors to Avoid Bad Habits (Patience and Consistency)
2024-09-16 (Video 7326) What Basic Patterns? (key words: Rule Sheet. Basic Patterns. Trend. Pin Barrs. Doji's. Wicks. Context. )
2024-09-17 (Video 7333) Looking for the Turnaround
2024-09-18 (Video 7339) Looking Left to Recognize Potential Reversal Points (key words: HPP, looking for patterns in PA, comfort zones)
2024-09-19 (Video 7343) Looking to Your Left (key words: pullbacks, HPP, trend and comfort zones)
2024-09-20 (Video 7349) TRCH as a Language (key words: Assessing direction and position)
2024-09-23 (video 7351) Defensive Trading (key words: Patterns, Defensive trading, Cherry picking, Volitivity, Capital preservation, Trade Filters, D123, Indecisions, Consistence)
2024-09-24 (video 7354) There will always be another Trade opportunity. (key words: Market Conditions. JIm C #9)
2024-09-25 (video 7359) Understanding the Outcomes of Your Trades (key words: "PA, Don’t trade the news, Accountability, How we trade The 4 Axioms, Outcomes of your trades")
2024-09-26 (Video 7362) Dice Analogy (key words: position, TRCH, money management and risk)
2024-09-27 (Video 7368) "The Art of War" Insights (key words: "PA, Trend, Explain TRCH’s, HPP’s, POR, Risk Tolerance, 50/50 Trader,")
2024-09-30 (video 7370) what candlesticks tell us (key words: Defensive trading, candlesticks, spinning tops, wicks, trend, Pivot points )
2024-08-01 (Video 7173) The Ultimate Guide-AIS Symbols (key words: trend, Doji, Patterns)
2024-08-02 (Video 7179) SON & 4 Axioms (key words: situation, forced trade, volatility, clouds, SON)
2024-08-05 (Video 7181) AIS and Turning Points (key words: Volatility, Multiplier, turn around, AIS, Candlesticks)
2024-08-05 (Video 7182) VC Special session - Turnaround (key words: G4S3 and Turnaround - Doji, DB, and Pinbars)
2024-08-05 (video 7183) Intro to Double Bars (key words: Candlesticks, Double Bars, Confluence of bars. Blending CSs. Constant evaluation )
2024-08-06 (Video 7188) Planning Position/ ID SON (key words: planning with PP considered, drawing trend and movement, momentum))
2024-08-06 (Video 7189) When Information is too Much-SON (cont) (key words: "HTT info, PA Double stops if you see and stay out it’s great, SON Decision Making")
2024-08-07 (Video 7193) Horizontal Pivot Points (key words: Horizontal pivot points, HPP, turnarounds)
2024-08-07 (Video 7194) : Why Candlestick Wicks are so Important (key words: Wicks, Rejection, Doji, Pinbar, spinning top)
2024-08-08 (Video 7198) ID the "Too Much Risk" (key words: turnaround, wicks, position, indecision, SON)
2024-08-08 (Video 7199) What is Traders Edge (key words: HTT, TRCH, Scoring in both directions)
2024-08-09 (Video 7204) Looking Left to Read Right (key words: trend, turn arounds, auction indecision, Pinbars, Dojis, )Double Bars, HTT)
2024-08-09 (Video 7205) Weekly Wrap-Up and Audit (key words: Position, Doublebars, Turnarounds)
2024-08-12 (Video 7206) The Psychology of Trading - Vance Cast (key words: Good setups, turnarounds, DOM, evaluating potential trades)
2024-08-12 (Video 7207) Pitfalls in Trading: FOGI, FOMO, Over Trading, Risk Mgt and strategy (key words: Fear, Greed, Hope, Regret: Trading Plan)
2024-08-13 (Video 7214) Trading With an Edge - Turnaround With Trend (Key words:": PA Planning your Trade, Position & Discount, Build your rading starting w/ the basics ")
2024-08-13 (video 7215) Psychology of Position = Patience & Discipline for Trading Success (key words: "PA Planning your Trade, Position & Discount, Build your Trading stylestarting w/ the basics")
2024-08-14 (Video 7219) Distribution Analysis (key words: trades filled and stopped out in a row)
2024-08-14 (video 7220) Account Sustainability (key words: "World Markets, Auction, Chart Explanation, Preserving our Trading Account, 50/50 Trader, Evaluating the D123 , protect Trading account, 43% Break Even point, Academy upgrade")
2024-08-15 (Video 7224) Over/Under Trading=Knowing when Position Trend CZ are not Suitable for trading (key words: trend, TRCH, notes, CZ, HPP)
2024-08-15 (Video 7226) Golden Rules of Trading-Plan Your Trade; Trade Your Plan-SON (Key words: "SON plan your Trades")
2024-08-16 (video 7231) Jim C's 10 Reminders (Key words: HTT, Turnaround, Candlestick blending, D123, Constantly assessing price action to catch turnarounds)
2024-08-16 (Video 7232) Weekly Wrapup and Audit (Key words: HTT vs D123 - Trend, ID HTT)
2024-08-19 (Video 7233) Evolution of the D123/Turnaround Trades (key words: D123, HPP, Position, Turnaround, trade planning)
2024-08-19 (Video 7235) Recognizing Trend and D123 Turnaround Trades - How it Relates to Position (key words: Turnaround trades, position, D123 vs. HTT trades)
2024-08-20 (Video 7241) Distribution Analysis (key words: turmaround, interpretation of PA, distribution of fills and stops)
2024-08-20 (Video 7242) Position's Role in Trading (key words: D123 Rule sheet, Planning our Trades, HPP’s, Blending Candle, Context)
2024-08-21 (Video 7247) Candlestick Behavior - how does it relate to position? (key words: "Position HPP Planning the trade")
2024-08-21 (Video 7248) Position After Turnaround (Key words: TRCH, Planning, Position after turnaround)
2024-08-22 (Video 7252) How TRCH relates to Position (Key words: confirmation or turnaround, plan trade, where are clouds, position at entry)
2024-08-22 (Video 7253) Recognizing When the Ball is Missed by a Quarter Point (key words: Position, Htt, ball formation, )
2024-08-23 (video 7258) How Trend Affects Position (key words;HTT; D123 compliant;)
2024-08-23 (Video 7259) Weekly wrapup - audit (key words: Consistency, HPP, HTTs Trend, Comfort Zone, Wicks)
2024-08-26 (Video 7260) What is a Turnaround? (key words: Identifying turnarounds, HTT)
2024-08-26 (Video 7261) Identifying Trend Turnarounds (key words: "Trend HPP, HTT Turnarounds, Which way the PA trends and trades are heading")
2024-08-27 (Video 7267) Indecision Symbols (key words: pinbar, doji, double bar, precursors of a trade.)
2024-08-27 (Video 7268) Clouds & Headroom (key words: TRCH, TTR)
2024-08-28 (Video 7269) Turnarounds and Indecision (Horizontal Movement, Confirmation)
2024-08-29 (Video 7274) Pullbacks and Pivot Points (Wick Evaluation, Position)
2024-08-30 (Video was not captured for this date and time)
2024-07-01 (Video 7066) How to Set Your Trading Goals (key words: Assessing risk management, setting achievable goals, being aware of announcements, controlling your goals, using checklists in your trading with established rules)
2024-07-02 (Video 7073) Maintaining Consistancy (key words: "Patients & Consistence, The D123 Trade")
2024-07-03 (Video 7078) Best Habits of Intra Day Traders (key words: patience, discipline, focus, act fast, emotions, TTR)
2024-07-05 (Video 7079) Insights from Trading In The Zone (key words: Trading in the Zone, Mark Douglas Insights on fears and truths in trading. Scoring the TRCH. Advanced trading needs training, Review sessions encouraged if negative weeks)
2024-07-08 (Video 7081) TRCH As a Language (key words: Trend, Retracement, Head Room, Pullback, Gann, scoring trch, checklist)
2024-07-09 (Video 7089) Consistency = Less Stress ( key words: SITT; Follow the Rules)
2024-07-10 (Video 7094) Ball Formation (Key Words: 2 rules, pick ball candles on naked chart)
2024-07-11 (Video 7099) Look to the Left (key words: volatility, Position, direction, consistency)
2024-07-12 (Video 7105) States of Nature (Key words: TRCH, SON)
2024-07-15 (Video 7107) What Do Our Charts Show US - D123 (Key Words: TRCH and Chart elements. )
2024-07-16 (Video 7114) Trade What You See Not the News (Key Words: things happen, trade what you see)
2024-07-17 (Video 7119) Defining Retracement (key words: TRCH, trend, G4S3, retracement and GLZ)
2024-07-18 (video 7124) 4 Axioms SON (Key Words: target gains and loss, G4S3 best overall)
2024-07-22 (Video 7130) Felling Depressed and Disheartened (Key words: preparation. foundations cost/time ‘school fees.’ following rules. review . G4S3 for money mgt.)
2024-07-23 (Video 7138) Reactions v Response (Key Words: "Psychology; Subconcios Decisions & Learnng")
2024-07-24 (Video 7143) CS Emotions (key words: CS enviornment, FOMO, expectations of extended trend, TRCH, planning trades)
2024-07-25 (Video 7148) Patience and Consistency (Key Words: TRCH, trend, looking left)
2024-07-26 (Video 7154) 5 Golden Rules of Trading ( Key words: "Trade what charts show. Not news bulletins. TRCH. Candlstick formation. Scoring a trade, Candle stick formation, AIS, Doji’s, Pinbars, Problems of Late entry,")
2024-07-29 (video 7156) Candlestick Basics (key words: volatility, blending, AIS, building, wicks)
2024-07-30 (Video 7163) Balls with the EMA (key words: Trend, TRCH, CS Wicks,)
2024-07-31 (Video 7168) Recognizing Trend (key words: Trending; Consolidating;)
2024-06-03 (Video 6969) Psychology of Candlestick - Context and Confluence & Group Stats(Key words:Look Left. Confluence: Agreement in various tech analysis data. BOM Plan trades Candlestick language. Bearish/Bullish )
2024-06-04 (Video 6976) TRCHing Both Directions (Key words: discussion and explanation of ad absurdium logic)
2024-06-05 (Video 6982) Risk Management (Key Words: Course 1 Chap 10 G4 S3, being consistent, 4 axioms, changing money management)
2024-06-06 (Video 6987) 4 Axioms and SON (key words: diagrams and explanation 4 axioms, chart of trades taken and not taken)
2024-06-07 (video 6993) Trend & Position (key words: PA, Announcements, Markets opening & closing, answering polls when FT & Ball’s align, individual Results, )
2024-06-10 (Video 6995) Trading Discipline (key words: "D-123 Rules, triggers (AIS/Ball), Do not have to take a trade, Trend, retracement, clouds, headroom, consistency, filters, journaling, Build confidence, analysis, feelings)
2024-06-11 (video 7002) 5 key lessons (key words: planning the trade, rule sheet, 50/50 trader)
2024-06-12 (Video 7004) Trading Enviroment (key words: "Trend, 50/50 trader, Office Setup, Trading Environment, Why we Veto")
2024-06-13 (Video 7009) Jim Cs 10 Reminders (Key words: EMA and POR, TRCH)
2024-06-14 (Video 7016) Trading in the Zone ( key words: TRCH, EMA, POR, trade notes)
2024-06-17 (Video 7018) Identify and Follow Trend (Key words: Trend, GANN lines, Gann lines can lie, Draw your own gann lines and then turn on the gann lines and see how close you are to the study)
2024-06-18 (Video 7025) SON (key Words: SON in TTR, indicator of PA, interpreted at end of trade)
2024-06-19 (Video 7027) 4 Axioms of Trading (key words: 4 Axiom examples calculated to demonstrate money management system)
2024-06-20 (Video 7032) Gann Lines & Trend (Key words: Gann 1 and 2, may be determined by trader, single candle pullbacks may not determine trend)
2024-06-21 (Video 7038) Position (key words: TRCH, SON, 4 Axioms, AIS, Trend, Retracement, Clouds, Headroom, Context, Confluence)
2024-06-24 (Video 7040) Trend Turnarounds (key words: Trend. Don’t trade against trend. Position. Draw own Gann lines. Contracting market. Sideways price Action. Auction Indecision symbols. Ultimate AIS is Ball Candlestick. Look Left. Remove Gann lines)
2024-06-25 (Video 7047) Risk Management (key words: TRCH, looking left, pivot points)
2024-06-26 (Video 7052) Indecision Symbols (key words: 5 symbols, examples on chart, explanation)
2024-06-27 (Video 7058) Horizontal Pivot Points (key words: 2 candle PP, turning points, horizontal pivot points)
2024-06-28 (Video 7064) Trading as a Business Not a Hobby (key words : business is designed to make money, not so a hobby)
2024-05-01 (Video 6864) Emotions in Trading (key words: range of feelings, change of behavior, effects on trading)
2024-05-02 (Video 6869) Your Behavior Matters (key words: Trade Safe, Follow Rules)
2024-05-03 (video 6875) 10 Qualities of Success (key words: Follow Rules. Keep it Simple. Study DTG material. Learn to read Trend and position)
2024-05-06 (video 6877) General Review Problems Analyzed (key words: New LTS Trade Rules. DTG Academy Highlights. Participation Rules. FTs reviewed in detail. Position. Trend.)
2024-05-07 (Video 6880) TRCH G4S3 (key words: TRCH, Polling %, Present trade rules, Personal trading styles)
2024-05-08 (Video 6885) Indecision Symbols (key words: (Indecision symbols, D123 Trade, Member conversation on Goals, Learning & Participating)
2024-05-09 (Video 6890) Putting Your Notes in TTR (Key words: List of instructions for each column in TTR)
2024-05-10 (video 6896) States of Nature (Key words : D123 Trade. Discount. GLZ. Member weekly stats. SP500 review. )
2024-05-13 (Video 6899) Retracements (Fibonacci) & Weekly Stats (Key words: Trend. Position. Comfort Zones. HPPS. New D123/FT recording in TTR discussion. D123 Rule Sheet. Strategic Objectives)
2024-05-14 (Video 6906) Having a Discount (key words: saving inherent in a discount, TRCH and GLZ)
2024-05-15 (Video 6911) Risk Management (key words: "PA, Charts, Indecision, Century marks, pivot points, What’s a Slop (pullback), Pych and Notes you need tounderstande")
2024-05-16 (Video 6916) Candlestick Basics (key words: Open, High, Low, Close, Candlestick Anatomy, States of Nature, watching candlesticks build)
2024-05-17 (Video 6922) Planning your Trades (Key words: "PA from OB, HPP, Deciding Trend, “Do we Trade between HPP’s? (NO)”, Weekly Member Stats. Audit instructions")
2024-05-20 (Video 6924) Journaling and Documenting (key words: Trade notes should reflect TRCH discussion. Note Trend and Position indicators. Read Candlesticks. Note danger signals. Note personal psych.)
2024-05-21 (Video 6931) Your Behavior Matters (key words: Follow the rules, Money management, Patience, Consistency)
2024-05-22 (Video 6936) Emotions in Trading (Key words: "D123 Scoring, What is the PA doing, How do you feel about these trades, Emotions,")
2024-05-23 (Video 6941) States of Nature (Key words: Position, Decision Making, Applying FT to D123)
2024-05-24 (Video 6947) Top of Mark/Bottom of Mark Psych (key words: "NVDA, PA Movement Daily, Looking at the Long Game, TRCH")
2024-05-28 (Video 6950) Look to your Left (Key words: 5 kinds of Price Action, Up trend, down trend, expanding, collapsing, and consolidated (comfort zone), Horizontal Pivot Points, Trend, AIS)
2024-05-29 (Video 6955) TRCH the G4S3 (key words: TRCH elements anad relationship to G4S3)
2024-05-30 (Video 6961) Ball Formation (key words: Ball Formation Rules Reviewed.)
2024-31-2024 (video 6967) Position: Plan the Trade, Trade the Plan (key words: The D123 Trade, PA, World Markets, Looking at the Trades, Planning your trades, Audit Instructions, Numbers. Less is more. )
2024-04-01 (Video 6749) Evaluating Double Bars (key words: AIS, DB's Trend 50/50)
2024-04-02 (Video 6756) Evaluating Balls in Both Directions (Key words: TRCH)
2024-04-03 (Video 6761) Having a Discount (key words: GLZ, Discount)
2024-04-04 (Video 6767) Sates of Nature (key words: Son plots, identify box or channel trading, LF-SF not possible in G4S3, SON)
2024-04-05 (Video 6773) Cloudy Stops (key words: Clouds. Volatility. AIS. Rule Sheet. Candlestick Patterns. Doji's. Pinbars. Member Weekly Numbers.)
2024-04-08 (Video 6777) PSYCHOLOGY & DISCIPLIINE Rules to Deal With Losses ( Key Words: Rules & Losses; Psychology & Discipline)
2024-04-09 (Video 6784) Jim C's 10 Reminders (Key Words: Goldilocks Zone. TRCH. Ball Formation. Tech trouble. Internet connection lost.)
2024-04-10 (Video 6790) 5 Golden Rules of Trading (Key Words : Rules, Trading )
2024-04-11 (Video 6795) Gamblers Mentality (Key Words: unwilling to lose, failure to follow business plan, lack of money management, failure to mitigate risk)
2024-04-12 (Video 6801) Retraining Your Trading Brain (Key Words: Follow D123 Rule Sheet. Trend. Retracement. Cloudy Stops. Position. Break-Even Formula. G4S3. Weekly Member Stats.)
2024-04-15 (video 6804) Illustrating Your Charts & Stats (key words: Chart Indicators. Look Left. D123 Trade Rules. HPPs. Assessing Trend and Position. Weekly STATS.)
2024-04-16 (video 6807) Ball Formation (key words: ball formation)
2024-04-17 (video 6812) Trend (key words: Trend)
2024-04-18 (video 6817) States of Nature (key words: States of Nature, Homework Assignment)
2024-04-19 (video 6823) Finding the Secret Sauce (key words: Assessing Trend. Market News impact on pa. D123 Rule Sheet. Think In Crayon. SITT. Member weekly stats.)
2024-04-22 (Video 6826) Trend and Trend Recognition & Grp Stats (key words: Trend; EMA; D123 Trace w. Trend)
2024-04-23 (video 6833) Indecision Symbols (key words: provide direction, box 1, appear ahead of turn in direction, gravestones)
2024-04-24 (Video 6838) Looking Left: HPP and Comfort Zones (key words: HHP, Comfort Zones; Expanding & Contracting; )
2024-04-25 (Video 6843) What's Your Business Plan (key words: Business Plan; Smart Goals; Rules Sheet)
2024-04-26 (Video 6849) Turnaround Signal (key words: Ball Formation; Green & Blue balls)
2024-04-29 (video 6852) Why So Hard To Make Money (key words: Venn diagram of strategy, risk management and mind set, discipline, being intentional, trading hours, and preparation)
2024-04-30 (Video 6859) Patience and Consistency (key words: definitions of terms, build good behavior, track progress and all trades)
2024-03-01 (Video 6661) Are we There Yet? Patience Grasshopper (key words: Position. TOM. SP500 Emini Broker/Trader Relationship. SITT. Patience.)
2024-03-04 (Video 6664) 4 axioms and SON (key words: 4 Axioms. States of Nature (SON). Risk v. Reward. Money Mgt. G4S3. Look Left. Position. Trade Planning. YTD STATS.)
2024-03-05 (Video 6667) Ball Formation (Key words: Candle requirements, change of direction of movement)
2024-03-06 (Video 6672) Looking Left ( key words: comfort zones, DB, Gan Lines, planning the next trade)
2024-03-07 (Video 6677) TRCH & the D123 ("PA, D123, TRCH is subjective to the trader, Looking back to past PA to see future PA )
2024-03-08 (Video 6679) Building on the Basics (Key Words: How to Build on Basics: Think in Crayon. Be Patiently Consystaplined. Practice. Do many playbacks. Build Good Habits. Attend LTS/ Coaching sessions. Keep a schedule)
2024-03-11 (Video 6682) Candlestick Basics & Stats (key words: Candlestick formation)
2024-03-12 (Video 6689) Probability of Stopping Out (key words: losses or fills in a row, losses occur and impact on psycholgy)
2024-03-13 (Video 6694) D123 Trades (key words: AIS, TRCH, description of trend from EMA and POR)
2024-03-14 (video 6699) Indecision Symbols (key words: Doji, Pinbar, Double Bar, Candlestick Patterns)
2024-03-15 (video 6707) Winning vs Losing ( key words: Retracement, Trend)
2024-03-18 (Video 6709) 5 Key Tests You Will Encounter As A Trader & STATS (key words: 5 Key Tests In Trading. 1) Hit Loss Limit. 2) Reading PA Incorrectly. 3) Distracted Trader. 4) Significant Drawdown. 5) Trade Against Your Plan/Rules)
2024-03-19 (Video 6715)Recognizing Your Behaviors and Emotions (key words: : Not easy to control emotions, you cannot stop them from coming, recognize our feelings, behavior, forcing trades, moving stops, revenge trades, hopium )
2024-03-20 (Video 6717) Emotions in Trading (Key Words: you will have stop outs and fills and emotions associated with them, control of emotions, resisting emotions by following the rules and understanding psychology, easier to be successful as a trader)
2024-03-21 (Video 6723) Best Habits for INTRA Day Trading (key words: Discipline, patience,focus,keep records)
2024-03-22 (Video 6729) Are You a Fixated Trader? (key words: List of signs)
2024-03-25 (Video 6732) What am I Seeing? (key words: chart symbols, looking left)
2024-03-26 (Video 6739) Discount (Key words: discount Trading)
2024-03-27 (Video 6742) Ball Formation (key words: 2 rules of ball formation, definition of candles 0,1,2, demonstration of old direction and discussioni of dojis)
2024-03-28 (Video 6747) Recognizing Trend (Key Words: "Price Action, TRCH, DB, Trend, Examining the FT, CME Schedule, Delta FAQ’s Cannon rollover,")
2024-02-01 (Video 6578) Having a Discount (Key Words: Discount Traders, Market conditions)
2024-02-02 (Video 6584) Winning vs Losing (Key Words: Trend. Godielocks Zone GLZ. Pullback. Headroom. AIS. Member Weekly Numbers.)
2024-02-05 (Video 6587) Trade Like a Scientist (key words: Scientific analysis: 1)Hypothesis D123-G4S3. 2) Review Data. 3) Make Changes. 4) Diagnose logically. 5) RUN TIMED TESTS- PLAYBACKS! TRCH. YTD STATS.)
2024-02-06 (Video 6590) Jim C's (Key words: Price action, trend, EMA, and waiting for a trend)
2024-02-07 (video 6592) Emotions in Trading (key words: Psychology, 50/50 trader)
2024-02-2024 (Video 6596) Breaking Gamblers Mentality (key words: psychology, stop outs and fills)
2024-02-09 (Video 6598) Are You Part of the 3% or the 97%? (key words: Leadership Traits. AIS. DTG Rule Sheet. TRCH.)
2024-02-12 (Video 6601) Defensive Trading & Stats (key words: Traits of a Defensive Trader. Capital Preservation. Growth over time slowly, consistently, with discipline. )
2024-02-13 (video 6608) Ball Formation (key words : trend, waiting for trend to develop.)
2024-02-14 (video 6613) Ball Formation (key words: Ball Formation Rules. FT/D123 Discussion)
2024-02-15 (Video 6616) Looking Left (key words : Pivot Points, Turnarounds, Comfort Zones, Price Interaction )
2024-02-16 (Video 6622) Building Good Practice Habits (key words : Steps of Good Trading Habits. Consistency. Focus. Learning. Harnessing Psychology.)
2024-02-20 (Video 6626) D123 Rules Sheet (key words: Technicals, Stats, PA, Trend, step back and look what's going on, Box 1-3, Rules sheet, Trend, Pullback, re-entry, cloudy stop, headroom, consistancy)
2024-02-21 (Video 6631) Indecision Symbols (key words: AIS, pinbar and doji types, candle types)
2024-02-22 (Video 6634) 4 Axioms (key words: States Of Nature , Money Management, Psychology)
2024-02-23 (Video 6640) Auction Theory and Indecision (key words: Risk/Reward Ratio 75% Break-even 43% 50/50 Trader)
2024-02-26 (Video 6643) Stats and Controlling Emotions (key words: Control Emotions. Trade Preparation. Consistency. )
2024-02-27 (Video 6646) Jim C's (Key Words: Jim C's, SITT, Psycology)
2024-02-28 (video 6651) Your Behavior Matters (key words: Control Behavior, D123 Rules)
2024-02-29 (Video 6655) Having Consistency (key words: D123, TRCH, Trend, Cloudy Stop, Planning Trades, Trade your plan)
2024-01-02 (Video 6460) Trend (key words: Pullback, Retracement, EMA, D123 Points Of Reference, Confluence)
2024-01-03 (Video not recorded due to Adobe Issues)
2024-01-04 (Video 6483) 50/50 Trader (Key Words: 50/50 Trader, break even analysis, )
2024-01-05 (Video 6488) Balls With EMA, Basics (key words: D123 Rule Sheet. GB/BB formations. TRCH scoring. Member Weekly Numbers. )
2024-01-08 (Video 6491) Analysing Your Charts-Stats (Key words: Ball Formation, Looking Left, Charts, context, confluence, wicks, AIS)
2024-01-09 (Video 6499) Short vs Long Trades (Key Words: trend, consistancy)
2024-01-10 (Video 6504) 4 Axioms and SON (Key Words: Changing gains and stops. SON)
2024-01-11 (Video 6510) Scaling Contracts (Key Words: roadmap to success )
2024-01-12 (Video 6516) Cloudy Stops (Key Words: Cloudy Stops. TRCH. Discount. Trend: EMA vs POR. Member Weekly Stats.)
2024-01-16 (Video 6520) It's All In Your Head: Overcoming Trading Bias (Key Words: Trading Bias. Mentorship. Recognize Bias/Seek Help)
2024-01-17 (Video 6526) Fear & Greed (Key Words: Fear, greed, indecision)
2024-01-18 (Video 6529) Patience and Consistency (Key Words: build habits, ball formation, trend.)
2024-01-19 (Video 6535) Time Perception and it Effect on Trading Psychology ( Key Words: How Time and Emotions Can Impact Trading. Wee)
2024-01-22 ( Video 6538) Ball Formation & Stats (key words: Trend, Ball Formation)
2024-01-23 ( Video 6545) Recognizing Trend (Key Words : Retracement, Pullback, Comfort Zones, Cloudy Stop ,TTR ,POR )
2024-01-24 ( Video 6551) TRCH G4S3 (Key Words: trend, retracement, clouds, headroom)
2024-01-25 (Video 6556) Gann Lines & Trend (Key Words: POR, EMA, Gann Lines)
2024-01-26 ( Video 6558) The Dozen Don't of Discount Trading (Key Words: pin bars, trend, pivot points.)
2024-01-29 (Video 6561) Context and Confluence (Key Words: Context. Confluence. YTD Stats.)
2024-01-30 (Video 6568) Ball Formation ( key Words: dojis and 2 rules of CS formation, not forcing the trade)
2024-01-31 (Video 6573) D123 Trades ( key Words : D123 Trades, Looking Left)
2023-12-01 (Video 6354) Turnaround Signal (Key words: Comfort levels. Trend. Rule Sheet. AIS. Ensign updates. )
2023-04-2023 (Video 6357) Patience & Stats (key words: Patience:1) Trade Journey 2) Equity curve 3) Trade setups 4) Trade maturity.)
2023-12-05 (Video 6364) Psycholocy of Trading (key words: Patience. Trend. TRCH. G4S3.)
2023-12-06 (Video 6369) Emotions in Trading (emotions associated with trade outcome, emotional response)
2023-12-07 (Video 6374) Consistency (Key Words: Consistency, Discipline, Behavior, Self Awareness)
2023-12-08 (1000 LTS session)
2023-12-11 (Video 6383) Psychology of Candlesticks (Key Words: Be Big Picture Oriented re: price action. KISS. Look Left. )
2023-12-12 (video 6391) Trading Basics. Retracement and Patterns. (Key Words: POR Trend. CZs. )
12/13/2023 (Video 6396) 50/50 Trader & Break-Even Analysis ( key Words: Price Action, TRCH, Moderator's Track Record recording )
2023-12-14 (Video 6402) Ball Signal Tree (Key Words: D123, Torch ,Cloudy Stop, Retracement, Headroom)
2023-12-15 (Video 6408) Wax on Wax off, Master the Basics First (key Words: Trend. EMA. POR. Expanding markets. Patience.)
2023-12-18 (video 6411) Indecision and Stats (Key Words: Double Bars. Doji's. Pinbars explained and contrasted.)
2023-12-19 (Video 6418) Ins and Outs (Key words: Ins and Outs)
2023-12-20 (Video 6423) Having a Discount (Key words: 50/50 Trader, discount)
2023-12-21 (Video 6428) VCast - Scaling of Contracts Using Trading Tools (Key Words : Trend, PA, SON, Winning and Losing streaks)
2023-12-22 (Video 6435) Winning vs Losing (Key Words: Trade Evaluations. General Q&A with members.)
2023-12-26 (Video 6439) Develop Your Own Trading Style (Key Words: Weekly STATS. Unique Trading Styles. Low Volume Trading.)
2023-12-27 (Video 6444) The 20 Components of a Successful Trading Plan (Key Words : Indecision symbols, Ball signal matching, Components of a successful trading plan)
2023-12-28 (Video 6450) Your Behavior Matters (key Words: Psychology of behavior when taking trades.)
2023-12-29 (Video 6456) Trading in the Zone (key Words: Trading in the Zone Quotes. )
2023-11-01 (Video 6245) Trend and Retracement (Key Words: SON, trend pullback and reentry)
2023-11-02 (Video 6251) The Ultimate Guide (Key Words: Pinbars ,Dojs Patterns candlesticks, Turnarounds,)
2023-11-03 (Video 6259) Rules Rules Rules (key words: rule sheet, G4S3, consystaplined)
2023-11-06 (Video 6262) Stats and Homework ( Key Words: add TNT, add SON, notes)
2023-11-07 (Video 6269) Identifying Trend (Key Words: EMA, POR, rule sheet)
2023-11-08 (Video 6274) Scaling Contracts Using our trading Tools (Key Words: G4S3 and 50/50, 60/40 success rate)
2023-11-09 (Video 6279) SON 4 Axioms (Key Words: 50/50 trader, netpoints, SON, 4 Axioms)
2023-11-10 (Video 6285) Cloudy Stops (Key Words: Trend, EMA, POR)
2023-11-13 (Video 6288) STATS and Gambler Mentality (Key Words: Trend. Headroom. D123 Rules. Stats.)
2023-11-14 (Video 6295) Overtrading, Undertrading, what's Right ? (Key Words: Planning, Time usage, Fatigue.)
2023-11-15 (Video 6301) Controlling Your Emotions (Key Words: contract for difference, long/short trades, sp500 emini, aacknowledge your emotions, dont change emotions, negative creates more negative, dont get overconfident or discouraged but do follow )
2023-11-16 (Video 6307) Your Behavior Matters ( Key words: regret, frustration, hesitant, impatience, greed)
2023-11-17 (Video 6315) 1000 LTS Fear & greed (key words: Fear, Greed, TRCH)
2023-11-20 (Video 6316) Candlesticks Basics and Trends (key words: D123 Basics. TRCH Basics. Trend. Pivot Points. DTG STATS. BB adverse bias.)
2023-11-21 (Video 6024) D123 with the trend (key words: get a ball, dont trade immediately, POR,evaluation)
2023-11-22 (Video 6329) TRCH with the G4S3 (key words: trend, retracement, clouds, headroom, )
2023-11-27 (Video 6334) Stats & Recognizing Trend (key words: Candlestick Patterns; trades in box. Long wicks in relation to CS body size. Spinning Tops. Shooting Stars. Confluence. Weekly Stats)
2023-11-28 (Video 6340) EMA: What Is It? Trend: What Is It? (key words: Trend vs Large Movements. AIS Symbols. Patience.)
2023-11-29 (Video 6342) Scaling of Contracts using Trading Tools ( 50/50 trader, valuation of 100 trades, liklihood of multiple stop outs in a row, trading psychology, breakeven analysis)
2023-10-02 (Video 6125) How To Recover From A Brutal Drawdown (Key Words:Drawdown Recovery Steps. Ensign Charts HH,LL)
10-03-2023 (Video 6133) Risk Management and Statistics (Key Words: money mgt, pinbars, psychology, )
2023-10-04 (Video 6138) Maintain Consistency (Key Words: Consistency)
2023-10-05 (Video 6143) Emotions In Trading (Key Words:: Emotions. Psychology. Money Management)
2023-10-06 (Video 6149) Can History Help With Psychology? (Key Words: Historical trades. Psyhcology in Trading.)
2023-10-09 (Video 6152) Statistical Analysis (Key Words: statistical analysis, GB statistics, BB Statistics, All Balls Statistics)
2023-10-10 (Video 6159) Ball showed up now what? (Key Words: Time, rules, patience, )
2023-10-11 (Video 6164) 50/50 Trader and Break Even Analysis (key Words: 50/50 Trader, Break Even Analysis ROI)
2023-10-12 (Video 6169) TRCH G4S3 (Key Words: Position, Direction, G4S3)
2023-10-12 (Video 6169) TRCH G4S3 (Key words: Position, Direction, G4S3)
2023-10-13 (Video NOT RECORDED) Building Good Practice Habits
2023-10-16 (Video 6178) Candlestick Psychology ( Key Words: Candlestick development, Candlestick analysis. Stats 2022/2023 Group TTR Homework for Group.)
2023-10-17 (Video 6185) POR vs EMA (key words: POR, EMA, practice trades, homework playbacks)
2023-10-18 (Video 6190) D123 Trades (Key Words : risk management, pitfalls, indecision symbols)
2023-10-19 (Video 6195) Having a Discount (Key Words: importance, top or bottom of mark, discount in the trading decision)
2023-10-20 (Video 6202) Winning vs Losing (Key Words : D123 Trade Basics. Think In Crayon. Winner vs. Loser Mentality in Trading. Member Weekly Numbers)
2023-10-23 (Video 6205) Jim C's 10 Reminders (key words: Academy Group Stats Year over Year. Jim C's 4 main points: #2,4,6,9). )
2023-10-24 (Video 6213) FOMO/FOGI (Key Words: auctioin indecision, fear associated with the trade, FOMO loses most money, intraday vs day trader)
2023-10-25 (Video 6218) Patience and Consistency In Trading (key Words: Patterns. Trends. Def of Consistency. Gann Lines. EMAs and POR for Trend)
2023-10-26 (Video 6223) Emotions in Trading (Key words: extremes, excitement, anger, intensity, self control)
2023-10-27 (Video 6229) Maintain Consistency (key Words: learn rules, avoid problems in psychology, be consistency)
2023-10-30 (Video 6233) TRCH and Stats (key Words: TRCH, context and confluence, pivot pts, Stats of trades and green and blue balls,preference for blue balls)
2023-10-31 (Video 6240) What are the Balls? (Key Words: ultimate turnaround, TRCH, DB, pinbar)
2023-09-01 (Video 6020) Wax on, Wax off, Basics (Key Words: TRCH. Conformance, Pivot points)
2023-09-05 (Video 6024) Trend/EMA (Key Words : Retracement, Price Action, Comfort Zones, Points of reference)
2023-09-06 (Video 6029) Trade What You See Not the News (Key Words: Trend Formation. Discount. Define Piggy. 50/50 Trader. Psychology. Consistency. ROI in MOD TTR)
2023-09-07 (Video 6035) Looking Left (Key Words: Pivot Points, Comfort Zones. Trend vs no Trend. )
2023-09-08 (Video 6041) Auction Theory and Indecision (Key Words: AIS. Trend. TRCH.)
2023-09-11 (Video 6044) 5 Things You Must Have In Your Trading Journal (Key Words: TTR Effectiveness. Psychology/mental state. Trade Performance/Technicals. Market Condition. List positive/neg Focus on % not money. )
2023-09-12 (Video 6051) Over/Under Trading (Key Words: strateic opps, multiole trades,trade acceptance, )
2023-09-13 (Video: 6056) Risk Management Paradigm (Key Words: Dice game)
2023-09-14 (Video 6051) Gamblers Mentality (Key Words : 7 rules, trend evaluation, money mgt)
2023-09-15 (Video 6067) why use a TTR (Key Words: TTR)
2023-09-18 ( Video 6070)Auction Indecision Symbols (Pinbars. Dojis. AIS. Auction Indecision Symbols. Stacking Contracts.)
2023-09-20 (Video 6085) Efficacy of Scaling Contracts Using Our Trading Tools (TTR Trade Generator)
2023-09-19 (Video 6078) What is your trend and how to find it (Key Words: Trend Lines, setups)
2023-09-20 (Video 6085) Efficacy of Scaling Contracts Using Our Trading Tools (Key Words: TTR Trade Generator)
2023-09-21(Video 6090) 50/50 Trader & Break-Even Analysis (Key Words: Chart basics. TRCH. G4S3)
2023-09-22 (Video 6096) Balls with EMA (Key Words: trend with EMA, trend with POR)
2023-09-22 (Video 6096) Balls with EMA
2023-09-25 (Video 6099) Auction Indecisions and Patterns ( Key words: G4S3. AIS: Doji's and Pinbars. Box 1. Confluence. Context.)
2023-09-26 (Video 6106) Hows, Ways, and Whys (Key Words:supportive action)
2023-09-27 (Video 6111) TRCH (Key Words: Trend, Retracement, Cloudy Stop, Headroom)
2023-09-28 (Video 6116) 4 Axioms (Key Words: 4 rules, examples, SON)
2023-09-29 (Video 6122) Are You a 50/50 Trader (Key Words: fills, stop outs, net points)
2023-08-01 (Video 5890) More Trading Equals More Money? I’m a Day Trader, I Need to Trade (key words: Emotional Trading vs Methodical Trading, Paitence. Wait for Trades)
2023-08-02 (Video 5895) Characteristics of a FOMO Trader (Key Words: Fear of missing out, impatience, greed, points of reference. )
2023-08-03 (Video 5901) Your Behavior Matters (key words: Behavior, FOGI, FOMO, Emotions, Gann Line, Trend.)
2023-08-04 (Video 5907) What is the Best Medicine to Control Emotions (Key Words: Money Mgmt, Playback, Sim Trades, Homework, Identify Emotions)
2023-08-07 (Video 5911) Chart Basics (key words: Ensign Tool Bar, Looking Left, Reading Price Action, SON, Position)
2023-08-08 (Video 5918) Trend (Key words: Trend, Retracement, EMA, Looking left, Comfort Zones)
2023-08-09 (video 5923) indecision symbols (key words: comfort zones, POR, EMA)
2023-08-10 (Video 5928) Ball Formation (Key Words: Trend)
2023-08-11 (Video 5934) The Dozen Don'ts of Discount Trading (Key Words : Emotions in Trading. Psychology of Trading.)
2023-08-10 (Video 5928) Ball Formation (K
2023-08-14 (Video 5939)
2023-08-15 (Video 5948) Plan your trade, trade your plan (key words: Plan your trade, fill and stop, incorporate trend)
2023-08-16 (Video 5953) Look Twice Then Trade (Key Words: Comfort Zones, Patterns)
2023-08-17 (Video 5958) TRCH G4S3 (Key Words: TRCH, G4S3)
2023-08-18 (Video 5964) Comfort Zones, Position (Key Words: Retracement, Cloudy stop Goldilocks zone, TRCH)
2023-08-21 (Video 5967) Maintain Consistency (key Words: Consistency, trading, evaluation)
2023-08-22 (Video 5974) I'm an Intra-Day Trader I Have to Trade! (key words: Trade Like You Train. designate Trding Hours. Mentors. Different markets availalbe for members. Discount Traders.)
2023-08-23 (Video 5979) Gambler's Mentality (Key Words: Gambling vs Trading. Fear/Greed. Bad Behavior. FOMO/FOGI. CZs. Revenge Trading. Trade Strategically. Consistency.)
2023-08-24 (Video 5986) Risk Management Paradigm (key words: TRCH, trend, risk and reward)
2023-08-25 (Video 5992) 4 Traits Of Successful Traders (key words: Patience, Consistency, Discipline)
2023-08-28 (Video 5995) Candlestick Patterns (Key Words: Context, Confluence, Patience, Vetoes, Pivot Points, Patterns)
2023-08-29 (Video 6004) Ball Formation (key words: CS color and wick length)
2023-08-30 (Video 6009) 4 Axioms (Key words: did not discuss this, Darlene was not present)
2023-08-31 (Video 6014) D123 Trade (Key Words: trend, gamling, Forced trade, TNT, G4S3, Discipline, Comfort Zones, Cherry Picking, Trade Planning)
2023-07-03 (Video 5784) Benefit of hand drawn lines - weekly Audit ( Key Words: Hand Drawn Lines on Charts, trend, retracement, explained the weekly audit, TTR, SITT, SON )
2023-07-05 (Video 5789) Looking Left (Key Words: "comfort Zones, trend, higher highs, lower lows, century mark, pivot points, TRCH, PA,")
2023-07-06 (Video 5794) Patterns That Fool Traders (Key Words: goldie lock zone, Delta rules, trend, TRCH, retracement, pivot points, discount traders.)
2023-07-07 (Video 5800) Auction Theory and Indecision (key words: trend, auction, buying and selling, TRCH, discount)
2023-07-10 (Video 5802) How to avoid Impulsive trading (Key Words: impulsive trades, trend, discount trader, volatility, check list before getting into a trade, be aware of triggers, have a checklist, create a set of filters, Follow the rules)
2023-07-11 (Video 5809) Revenge Trading (Key Words: "Delta 123 rules, ema lines, comfort zone, trend, gann line1 & 2, draw your own swing lines, HH, LL, one CS retracements, confirm trend, black out OB, G4S3,stick to the rules, don’t jump in and out of )
2023-07-12 (Video 5815) Emotions in Trading (Key Words: "emotions, greed, fear, regret, anger, 50/50 trader, comfort Zones. Trend, higher highs, lower lows, century mark, pivot points, TRCH, PA, ")
2023-07-13 (Video 5821) Best Habits for Day Traders (key Words: best habits, TTR, TRCH, controlling emotions, patience, consistency, money management)
2023-07-14 (Video 5827) Time Perception and effect on trading psychology (Key Words: SITT, D123, G4S3, AIS, Trend, Risk vs Reward, Breakeven, 5050, greed, fear)
2023-07-17 (Video 5830) Trade Viability with G4S3 - Dr V Cast special class (Key Words : Viability, Confluence, Candle formation, Follow Rules, Doc visit)
2023-07-17 (Video 5838) Trend and 3 Points of Reference (Key Words: Point of Reference, Spinning Tops, Going Live)
2023-07-19 (Video 5843) Candlestick basics (Key Words: patience, consistency, Delta 123 rules, trend, emotions, doji, pinbars, maribozu, direction of CS, )
2023-07-20 (Video 5848) Gann Lines and Trend (key Words : trend, 3pts reference, patience,)
2023-07-21 (Video 5854) Learn the Basics first (Key Words: basics)
2023-07-24 (Video 5857) Horizontal Pivot Points (Key Words: Pivot points, analysis, TRCH, CZ, )
2023-07-25 (Video 5865) Trend vs Price Action (Key Words: Position, Direction, Context, Foundation)
2023-07-26 (Video 5870) Trade What You See Not The News (key Words: trend, pivot points, comfort zones, TRCH, 50/50 trader. )
2023-07-27 (video 5875) Auction Indecision Symbols (Key Words: ASI, trend, doji, pinbar, DB,)
2023-07-28 (Video 5881) turnaround signals pdf (Key Words: Turnaround signals)
2023-07-31 (Video 5881) Turnaround signals (Key Words: turn arounds)
06/01/2023 (video 5673) 5050 Trader (Key Words: emotions, TRCH, trend 3pts reference, GLZ, looking left, Psychology, be successful at 50% )
06/02/2023 (Video 5579)Are you part of the 3% or the 97% (leader/follower) (key Words: TRCH, ema line, clouds, headroom, retracement, discount, G4S3, Delta rules, looking to the left, CZ, daily chart, follow the rules, money management, Delta 123 rules)
06/05/2023 (Video 5681) Candlestick Patterns (Key Words: Candlestic basics and Patterns, Context for the Patterns, Confluence, Trend, Wicks,Sentiment of the market)
06/06/2023 (Video 5288) Trade With the Ball (Key Words: Gann line movement, EMA's, risk adverse , not momentum traders , SITT)
06/07/2023 (Video 5293) Dozen Donts (Key Words: 12 Don'ts of trading)
06/08/2023 (Video 5298) Candlestick Basics (Key Words: Trend and the D123 trade, candles, types, how they formed, Doji, Pinbar, spinning top, Maribozu,wicks, opening and closing )
06/09/2023 (Video 5704 )Building Good Trading Habits (Key Words: "consistent repetition, study habits, patience, TRCH, ema line, clouds, headroom, retracement, discount, G4S3, Delta rules, follow the rules, money management,pyscholgy")
06/12/2023 (Video 5706 ) BB with EMA and Doji, will fill 80% ? (Key Words: follow the rules, don’t make new one, doji, pin bars, trend, indecision symbols, confluence, blending CS, shooting star and hammer with the trend, TTR, Phycology, 50/50
06/13/2023 (Video 5713) G4S3 (Key Words: trend, TRCH, ema, clouds, headroom, retracement, discount, Delta rules, psychology)
06/14/2023 (Video 5718) 4 axioms of trading (Key Words: 4 Axioms,changing gains and stops, stick to the rules, TRCH, Trend, be consistent, ema line, clouds, headroom, retracement discount.)
06/15/2023 (Video 5724) Position (Key Words: why charts are a little different during roll over, Position, trade planning, finding your range, Position within your range, considering the probability of going for 3 before going for 4 pts)
06/16/2023 (Video 5730) 50/50 Trader (G4S3 money management, 50/50 trader, stick to the rules,TRCH, Trend, consistent, ema, clouds, headroom, retracement, discount, G4S3, rules, psychology, auction indecision symbols, signal tree, winning trader)
06/19/2023 (Video 5732) What Are You Afraid of? (Key Words: we trade patterns, we look for trend, we don’t trade the news, indecision symbols, pivot points, G4S3, money management, afraid of getting in, trading hours,)
06/20/2023 (Video 5739) Phycology stay in trades no revenge trading ( Key Words: psy on staying in trade and not jumping in and out)
06/21/2023 (Video 5744) Emotions in Trading (Key Words: TRCH, trend, clouds, headroom, retracement, discount, psychology, 50/50 trader, emotions we feel when trading. Delta rules.)
06/22/2023 (Video 5750 ) Gambler Mentality, (key Words: Gambler Mentaility, TRCH, trend, ema line, cloudys, headroom, retracement, discount, Delta rules, emotions, greed,)
06/23/2023 (Video 5756) Sitt (Key Words: " Sitt, stick to the rules, TRCH, ema line, trend, clouds, headroom, retracement, discount, Delta rules, psychology, 50/50 trader, emotions, patience, consistent, build good habits, )
06/26/2023 (Video 5758) TRCH (Key Words: "trend, retracement, clouds, headroom, how to pin the TTR, how to add more lines to the TTR, copy line 6, G4S3, Delta rules, turning points, indecision symbols, understanding what CS are telling us.)
06/27/2023 (Video 5765) What is Trend (Key Words: EMA, trend, stick to the rules, D123 rules, patience, make good decisions, consistent, 50% trader, G4S3, clouds, position, headroom, retracement)
06/28/2023 (Video 5771) Ball Formation (Key Words: Ball Formation, TRCH, ema line, trend, clouds, headroom, retracement, discount, Delta rules, psychology, 50/50 trader, emotions, patience, consistent, )
06/29/2023 (Video 5776) Candlestick basics and Patterns (Key Words: doji, gravestone, dragonfly, regular, spinning top, marbozu, CS direction, what CS are telling us., comfort zone, TRCH, ema line, trend, clouds, headroom, retracement, discount)
06/30/2023 (Video 5782) You Might be a fixated trader if... (Key Words : G4S3, Delta rules, follow the rules, money management, psychology of the trade, TRCH, don't move your stop.)
05/01/2023 (Video 5556) D123 Trade (Key Words : Delta rules, comfort zone, position, Box 1, Box 2, Box 3, indecision symbols, looking back, 3pt of reference.)
05/02/2023 (Video 5563) Why We Wait and how They Form What Do They Mean (Key Words: "Delta rules, following the rules, trading is a business, Patience. ema lines trend, looking back, don't take risky trades, make good decisions, signal tree, )
05/03/2023 (Video 5570) Risk Vs Reward (Key Words: money management, TRCH, looking back, risk management,)
05/04/2023 (Video 5575) trends (Key Words: trend turnarounds )
05/05/2023 (Video 5581) Price Action Trading ( Key Words : price action, looking back, public sentiment, PA recognition, TRCH, delta 123 rules, trade what you see, trading is a business)
05/08/2023 (Video 5583) Emotions in Trading (Key Words: Emotions, greed, fear, angry, delat rules, following the rules, psychology, trading is a business, patience, looking back)
05/09/2023 (Video 5591) Delta Basics (key words: Basics)
05/10/2023 (Video 5596) Controlling Your Emotions (Key Words: emotions, TRCH, trend retracement, clouds, headroom, behavior, psychology.)
05/11/2023 (Video 5601) States of Nature (Key words: "TRCH, trend, retracement, clouds, headroom, turn around signals, Delta 123 rules, ema lines, GLZ, looking left, Psychology, Pts of reference, LFSF, LFSS, SFLS, SSLS, )
05/12/2023 (Video 5608) Time Perception and it's effect on Trading Psychology (Key Words : Psychology, TRCH, comfort Zones, patience, ema line, look back.)
05/15/2023 (Video 5610) Trend Recognition (Key Words: head room, clouds pullback, reentry, trend, looking back, 3pts reference, ball with ema, Delta 123 rules.)
05/16/2023 (Video 5617) Ball Formation (Key Words : Trend, looking back, TRCH, ema line, Dom, clouds, headroom)
05/17/2023 (Video 5622) Looking Left (Key Words: Trend, retracement, clouds, headroom. turn around signals, ema, GLZ, Delta rules)
05/18/2023 (Video 5627) Indecision (Key Words: double bar, indecision, look back, clouds, headroom, retracement, TRCH, Delta rules, Doji, Pin bars.)
05/19/2023 (Video 5634) Wax on Wax off (Key Words: look back, TRCH, patience, comfort Zone, follow the rules, money management, Delta 123 rules, trend)
05/22/2023 (Video 5636) Types of trades & benchmarks ( Key Words: Types od trades & benchmarks)
05/23/2023 (Video 5644) ball trading why ( Key Words: shortened sesssion when doc came on. ball formation looking for good position)
05/24/2023 (Video 5649) ball evaluation (Key Words: evaluating balls in either direction)
05/25/2023 (Video 5654) Risk Management (Key Words: Types of Risk, Gain/Stop, Shorts and Longs)
05/26/2023 (Video 5660) Looking Both Ways to Evaluate (Reductio Ad Absurdum) (Key Words : The G4S3> 75% money managemen)t> 43% break even percentage> 50% making plenty of money, Numbers
05/29/2023 -- Memorial Day no classes
05/30/2023 (Video 5663) Revenge Trading (Key Words: Comfort Zone, Trend, TRCH, G4S3, 50/50 trader, patience, Delta rules, greed, Psychology, )
05/31/2023 (Video 5668) Emotions in Trading (Key Words: emotions, emotional pain, TRCH, trend, retracement, clouds, headroom, turn around signals, Delta 123 rules, ema lines, GLZ, looking left, Psychology, Pts of reference, greed, fear)
4/3/2023 (Video 5458) Trade Position (Key Words: Delta 123 rules, Torch, Look to the left. Position, Points of reference, Trend, 50/50 trader)
4/4/2023 (Video 5466) Trend (Key Words : trend, wait for set up, trend not ema)
4/5/2023 (Video 5471) 50/50 Trader (Key Words: 50/50 trader, points of reference, EMA, Delta 123 rules, TRCH.)
4/6/2023 (Video 5476) Indecision Symbols (key Words: Indecision Symbols, doji pinbar, double bar, trend, looking back, torch,)
4/10/2023 (Video 5482) Horizonal Pivot Points (Key Words: pivot points, looking back, century mark, daily charts, torch, trend)
4/11/2023 (Video 5490) no trend what do i do (Key Words: trend, comfort zones)
4/12/2023 (Video 5495) Having a discount (key Words: Discount, TRCH, Trend, D123 rules, Psychology)
4/13/2023 (Video 5500) Ball Formation (Key Words: Ball Formation, trend, comfort zone, psychology, torch, Delta trade rules,)
4/14/2023 (Video 5506) Comfort Zone Position (key Words: TRCH, trend, discount, Psychology, comfort zone, delta 123 rules. EMA trader)
4/17/2023 (Video 5508) Trading Goals (Key Words: EMA vs POR, Trading gooals, )
4/18/2023 (Video 5514) What are your goals and how you get there. ( Key Words: patience, business hours, making a goo decisions, discount, GLZ, changeing your stops and gains, having consistency, )
4/19/2023 (Video 5519) 20 Components of a Successful Trading Plan (Key Words: trading is a business, setting goals, being patience, G4S3, money management. trading hours, having consistency, )
4/20/2023 (Video 5523) Psychology of Trading (Key Words: comfort zone, trend, psychology of trading, TRCH, having consistency, being patience, plan your trade, GLZ, fear of getting in a trade Fear of not getting in a trade, revenge trading ,following )
4/21/2023 (Video 5529) The best medicine to keep emotions in check? (Key Words: comfort zone, trend,Glz, D123 trade rules,3pts of reference, consistency, being patience.)
4/24/2023 (Video 5531) TRCH as a language (key words: "TRCH as a language, trend, position, headroom for profit, cloudy stop, retracement, looking back, markets opening and closing, Delta123 rules, TRCH score, pivot points, discount, pullback, ema )
4/25/2023 (Video 5538) Using TRCH to find Position (SON) (Key words: TRCH, position, Delta rules, plan your trade, following the rules, trend.)
4/26/2023 (Video 5543) Recognizing Trend (Key Words: Trend, TRCH, GLZ, Delta rules, EMA, being patience, )
4/27/2023 (Video 5548) Auction Indecision Symbols (Key Words: doji, pinbar, double bar, turning point, pivot points, turnaround signal, looking back, markers opening and closing, Pivot points, GLZ)
4/28/2023 (Video 5554) Building Good Practice Habits (key Words: Building good practice habits. TRCH, comfort zones, position, being patience, how do you practice, GLZ)
2023-03-01(Video 5341) Short Vs Long Trades (Key words: Epic Pen, Trades, Pivot Points, Trend, GLZ)
2023-03-02: (Video 5346) Confluence (Key Words : 5050 trader, pivot points, Trend, comfort zones, )
2023-03-03 (Video 5354)Academy updates, LTS, Calendar of LTS, explained the process. (Key Words: TRCH, LTS Session, Calendar, Academy)
2023-03-06 (Video 5356) Paradigm Shifts (Key Words: Paradigm Shifts, GLZ, TTR, Pivot Points. TRCH)
2023-03-07 (Video 5363) Jim C's Reminders (Key Words: Jim C's Reminders, Delta 123 Rules, TORCH Trend, )
2023-03-08 (Video 5368) The way we use language (Key words: language, margins, angst, body language, tone, infliction.)
2023-03-09 (Video 5374) Hope, Fear and Greed, Managing Emotions, (Key Words: Psychology, Fear, Greed, )
2023-03-10 (Video 5380) The Dozen Don'ts Of Discount Trading (Key Words: Psychology, update on Ensign, data roll over for Cannon & Ninja)
2023-03-13 (Video 5382) price action, candlestick basics (KeyWords : candlestick basics)
2023-03-14 (Video 5389)TRCH, Trend, Retracement, Cloudy Stop, Headroom for profit. (Key Words: Trend, Retracement, Cloudy Stop, Headroom for profit.)
2023-03-15 (Video 5394)50% Trader/Statistical Analyst, (Key words: TTR 50/50 trader Statistical Analyst)
2023-03-16 (Video 5400) Trend Reversal ? (Key Words: Trend reversal ??, What to look for in a trade, trade planning, Rules, DOM, EMA, Psychology - some NJ Stuff)
2023-03-17 (Video 5407) Auction indecision symbols (Key Words: Auction Indecision Symbols)
2023-03-20 (Video 5409) Not Sticking to the Rules (Key Words: Following the rules, Torch, Delta 123 Rules)
2023-03-21 (Video 5415) Retracement has 2 jobs. (Key Words: Retracement, Discount, Trend, Pullback and Position.)
2023-03-22 (Video 5420) Indecision Symbols (Key Words: Doji, Pinbar, Double Bar, Pivot Point, looking back, TRCH)
2023-03-23 (Video 5424) Ball Formation (Key Words: Ball formation, Torch, Trend, )
2023-03-24 (Video 5430) 4 Axioms of Trading (Key Words: Changing target gain and target stop. TRCH, being a 50 to 60 % trader, 4 axioms of trading rules,)
2023-03-27 (Video 5433) The 20 compoents of Successful Trading Plan (Key Words: Business plan, Torch, Rule Sheet, Setting up your business.)
2023-03-28 (Video 5440) follow rules
2023-03-29 (Video 5445) The Dozen Don'ts (Key Words : Trend, Psychology, Pivot Points, looking back.)
2023-03-30 (Video 5450) Risk Management Paradigm (Key Words: Risk Management Paradigm, Risk outweighs the reward. TRCH Delta 123 rules,)
2023-03-31 (video 5456) 4 Traits that make a successful trader (Key words: Psychology, points of reference, EMA, EMA Trader, GLZ,)
2023-02-01: (Video 5237) Wax on Wax off (Key Words: Wax)
2023-02-02: (Video 5242) Position (Key Words: new ensign, Cannon, AIS, Looking left, )
2023-02-03: (Video 5248) The dozen don'ts of discount trading (Key Words: TTR, Net Points)
2023-02-06: (Video 5250) Position (Key Words: Trade Planning, TRCH, Chart Objects, )
2023-02-07: (Video 5258) ensign setup and help pa eval (Key Words: set up ensign, ladder set up, setting up charts )
2023-02-08: (Video 5264) Delta Signal Tree Explained (Key Words: Taxes, Borker Information Resources, Planning Trade/Trading Plan)
2023-02-09: (Video 5269) Trends (Key Words: Retracement, Trend and turnaround, Planning trades,)
2023-02-10: (Video 5275) Ball Formation (Key Words: Trend and Trunaround, Ball formation)
2023-02-13: (Video 5277) Regaining Trading Discipline (Key Words: Discipline, Rules, DOM, Planning a trade, Context, Trends, Last movement,)
2023-02-14:(Video 5284) I am a day trader I need to trade (Key Words: phycology, waiting for trades)
2023-02-15: (Video 5290) 50/50 trader (key Words: 50/50 trader, Cannon/Ninja)
2023-02-16: (Video 5295) Fear and Greed (Key words: Comfort Zones, EMA, PORs, Pivot Points)
2023-02-17: (Video 5300) Trading Scared Money (Key Words : Smart Goals, TRCH)
2023-02-20: (Video 5302) 5050 trader (Key Words: Comfort zones, Pivot Point, Trend, )
2023-02-21: (Video 5309) Ball Formation (key words: "ball formation, trend, phycology")
2023-02-22: (Video 5314) How to Evaluate Trades (Key Words: TRCH, g4s3, why we don't trade against trend)
2023-02-23: (Video 5319) 4 Axioms of Trading (Key Words: daily charts. comfort zones, 5 min chart, Psychology torch, trend, discussed trades, discount, Comfort Zones, )
2023-02-24: (Video 5325) Delta 123 rules (Key Words: GLZ, Trend, Psychology)
2023-02-27: (video 5327) position (key words: Trade Planning, Protecting Stop, Direction)
2023-02-28 (Video 5335) How to figure out if a trade is more likely to Fill for 4 before it Stops out before 3. (key words: Cloudy Stops, Head Room,Trend, GLZ)
2023-01-03: (Video 5129) Phycology of business and trading (Key words: phycology, revenge, when to trade)
2023-01-04: (Video 5134) Controlling emotions (Key Words: TTR, Patience, )
2023-01-05 (Video 5139) What to do when you do not meet your Trading Expectations (Key Words: Gauge performance, TTR, how to use TTR, )
2023-01-06 (Video 5147) Gambler Mentality (Key Words: Gambler, psycology, success)
2023-01-09: (Video 5149) Cloudy Stop (Key Words: Ensign Signals, New Poll, importance of Participation,Trend with CZ, Taking Trades at top of mark)
2023-01-10: (Video : 5157) Retracements (Key Words: Psychology, Ninja, Retracements)
2023-01-11: (Video 5162) Balls with EMA (Key Words: chart objects, Academy, Why E-mini)
2023-01-12 : (Video 5167) Trade Evaluation and use of Poles (Key Words: Balls with Trend, Confidence, States of Nature, Money Management, Risk Vs Reward, volatility, Long Wicks, signal trade and extra balls)
2023-01-13: (Video 5173) Candlestick Basics (KeyWords : trend,, candlestick shapes, patterns)
2023-01-16: (Video 5175) Ball Formation (Key Words : Balls, Ball Tree, Trend, Ninja DOM, ATM )
2023-01-17: (Video 5181) cloudy stops (key Words: Balls with EMA,)
2023-01-18: (Video 5186) Turn Around Signal (Key Words: practice, TTR, )
2023-01-19: (Video 5191) Horizontal Pivot Points (Key Words: TTR, Context, Trend, Comfort Zones, AIS, POR's, )
2023-01-20: (Video 5197) Retracement Concepts (Key Words: Academy, binge)
2023-01-23: (Video 5199) 5 key tests you will face as a trader (Key Words: 50/50, POR, Chart Basics, Discipline, 5 Key Tests)
2023-01-24: (Video5206) originally wait for good trades. turned into Q&A (Key Words: ensign, trend vs ema, waiting for trend to develop.)
2023-01-24: (Video 5206) originally wait for good trades. turned into Q&A (Key Words: ensign, trend vs ema, waiting for trend to develop.)
2023-01-25: (Video 5211) 10 qualities of success (Key Words: success, consistency)
2023-01-26: (Video 5217) why trading is the best job in the world (Key Words: TRCH, Comfort Zones, Pivot Points, Trends, Retracement, Discount, )
2023-01-27: (Video 5223)19 traits of emotionally intelligent people (key Words: 19. 19 Traits, emotion, intelligent)
2023-01-30: (Video 5225) What is a 5050 trader (Key Words: Comfort Zones, Trends, Distracted Trader, )
2023-01-31: (Video 5232) Risk Managment (Key Words: TTR, average 5 -10pts, Confluence, Risk, Trend, Comfort zones, no Headroom, Box trading, TRCH Deconstructed, )
2022-12-01: (Video 5028) TRCH Deconstructed (Key Words: Trend, D123, Indecision, comfort Zone, )
2022-12-02: (Video 5034) Building good trading habits (Key Words: Habits, trend, EMA)
2022-12-05: (Video 5036) Looking Left (Key Words : Candle stick patterns, candlestick names (Pinbars), Trend recognition, Looking Left, Context, considering a CS pattern with Context, discount)
2022-12-06: (Video 5044) EMA vs Trend (key Words: EMA, trend, position, look for your spot, be content
2022-12-07: (Video 5046) Are you a 50/50 trader (key Words: 50/50 Trader, )
2022-12-08: (Video 5051) Ninja/TransAct/Ensign (keywords:Contract rollover TA and contract Rollover NT, discussion regarding NT, TA and Ensign, implementation and Time line)
2022-12-09: (Video 5057) Turnaround Signal (Key Word: Turnaround)
2022-12-12: (Video 5059) 4 Axioms of Trading (Key Words : Comfort Zones, Looking left, SON, HOMEWORK)
2022-12-13: (Video 5066) Need Money, I need to trade (Key words: Chart Layering, G4S3, D123, TRCH, Psychology of trading, I need to Trade in any PA!!!??, Risk vs reward, Trends vs EMA, Indecision, Comfort Zone)
2022-12-14: (Video 5071) Time Perception And It's effect On Trading Psychology (Key Words: Time, emotion, FOMO)
2022-12-15: (Video 5076) Fear and Greed (Key Words: States of nature explanation, Trade Planning, TRCH deconstructed, Strategic objectives, Psychology, Trend, Trading range, Position protecting your stop looking left, context, Retracement deconstructed)
2022-12-16: (Video 5082) You might be a fixated trader if... (Key Words : fixated )
2022-12-19: (Video 5084) Candlestick Basics and Psychology (Key words : Candlesticks, New Ensign, Candlestick emotions, Market setiment, Looking Left, Context)
2022-12-20: (Video 5091) Patience / wait for your trade (Key Words: d123, trend, ema, waiting)
2022-12-21: (Video 5096) Building on the Basics (Key Words: Basics, Using Hand for ball formation)
2022-12-22: (Video 5101) round table on basics (Key Words: retracement, cloudy stop, scoring trades, Q&A)
2022-12-23: (Video 5107) The Dozen Don'ts of discount trading (Key Words: Trend)
2022-12-27: (Video 5110) phycology time is not money but patience is money (Key Words : phycology, trch, new ensign)
2022-12-28: (Video 5115) Pinbars, Dojis and Wicks (Key Words: Ensign vs Ninja, Doji and Pinbars, Wicks, volume bars)
2022-12-29: (video 5120) Origins of D123 Trade (Keys Words : Ensign indicators, Q&A Ninja, Q&A Ensign, Psychology, meetups, )
2022-12-30: (Video 5126) General Q&A - Indecision Recap (Key Words: New Ensign Signals, Q&A,)
2022-11-1 When to Stay OUT of Trades (Key Words: G4S3, Revenge Trade, Discount, Position, POS)
2022-11-02 Retraining your Trading Brain (Key Words: Backwards Brain Bicycle)
2022-11-03: Evaluating Trades to Minimize Risk (Key Words: Position, Pivot Points, Comfort Zones, Trend)
2022-11-04: Are you part of the 3% or the 97% (Key Words: Leader or Follower)
2022-11-07: (Video 4938) Candlestick Basics and Patterns (Key Words: Flat EMA, Discount, TRCH, Pivot Points, Turning Points, TRCH Scoring)
2022-11-08: (Video 4947) D123 and Position (key words : R/R Ratio, breakeven)
2022-11-09: (Video 4954) The Dozen Don'ts (Key Words : Break Even)
2022-11-10: (Video 4959) Trends, Retracements and Pivot Points (key Words : Trend, Volatility, Retracement, Trades not Taken, Position)
2022-11-11: (Video 4965) Maintain Consistency (Key Words : Consistency, practice )
2022-11-14: (Video 4967) Position (Key Words: Position, Retracement vs Position, NO Headroom, what is position, TRCH)
2022-11-15 Trend and different 'styles' of trading within the Delta Rules (Key Words: Trend, Tracking Trades, OODA, Daily Chart)
2022-11-16: (Video 4979) Retracement Concepts (Key Words : Wray's Homework, D123, Retracement)
2022-11-17: (Video 4984) Looking Left (Key Words: Trend, Looking Left, Candlestick Patterns, what is a D123, Discount, Looking Left, Comfort Zone)
2022-11-18: (Video 4990) Headroom (Key Words: Advanced Trades, TRCH, Trend)
2022-11-21: (Video 4992) Expectations (Key Words: expectations, Psychology, Trade plan, chart basics)
2022-11-22: (Video 4999) Gamblers Mentality (Key Words: dont force trades, wait for set ups, patience.)
2022-11-23: (Video 5004) 10 Qualities of Success and The Psychological Effect of Dwellling on Loses (Key Words: Success, losers, )
2022-11-28: (Video 5010) Trend Beyond the EMA (Key Words: Gann Lines, EMA, 5050 trader, TTR, Consistency, MEETUPS )
2022-11-29: (Video 5018) when to trade (Key words: Risk, D123 trade)
2022-11-30: (Video 5023) Wax On Wax Off, Master the basics first (Key Words : TRCH, Wax, Psychology, )
2022-10-03: Basic Indicators (Key Words: Discount, DB, Doji, Pinbar, Turning Point, Pivot Point, Looking Left, Balls)
2022-10-04: Importance of Foundation Building (Key Words: Rules, Correct Trading Habits, Staying in YOUR Lane, Discipline)
2022-10-05: Are you a 50/50 Trader? (Key Words: Risk Reward Ratio,
2022-10-06: States of Nature (Key Words: PA Context, Looking Left, Benjamin Franklin, Ad Absurdum Logic, SON Homework, SON vs PA)
2022-10-07: Retracements (Key Words: Trend, TRCH, Wicks, Risk/Reward Ratio)
2022-10-10: Trading Paradigm; The Dice Analogy (Key Words: Position, Context of PA, Clouds, Indecision Symbols, EMA, POR, Dice Analogy, Risk vs Reward)
2022-10-11: Title: Psychology Applied to Your Trading Business; Trend vs Flat, Don't Trade With NO Discount (Key Words: Position, Waiting for Confirmation)
2022-10-12: Understanding Emotions to Improve Trading Results (Key Words: Psychology, Homework)
2022-10-13: Why Do We Have Benchmarks (Key Words: Consistency, Psychology, Wicks, Volatile PA, Impatience to Start Live)
2022-10-14: Psychological Effect of Dwelling on Losses (Key Words: Volatility, Risk/Reward Ratio, Break Even)
2022-10-17: TRCH Deconstructed (Key Words: TRCH, Cloudy Stop, Headroom, Retracement, Trend, forms of TRCH, Position, Direction)
2022-10-18: Business of Trading; Defining your Trading Time and Spot (Key Words: Ball vs DB, Double Bar, Position, Recognizing Trend, EMA)
2022-10-19: Building God Practice habits (Key Words: Practice, Repetition)
2022-10-20: 4 Axioms of Trading (Key Words: Turning Points, Pivot Points, comfort zones, relationship to balls)
2022-10-21: Trading Balls with 90 min EMA (Key Words: Trend, Trend Change, Why the EMA)
2022-10-24: Introducing Doc VA. Please see Member Resouces, section "Special Classes lead by Dr. V. Cast"
2022-10-25: Trend and Retracement (Key Words: Cloudy Stop, Headroom, GLZ, Goldy Locks Zone)
2022-10-26: Auction Theory (Key Words: Indesion, Break Even, Rate of Return Ratio)
2022-10-27: Trade Planning, Defining Headroom for Profit and Cloudy Stops (Key Words: Pivot Points, Discounts, Balls Beyond EMA)
2022-10-28: Retracements Concepts (Key Words: Candlestick Patterns)
2022-10-31 What is Risk? (Key Words: Evaluating Risk, TRCH)
2022-09-08 What is a 50/50 Trader? Special Appearance Dr. V Cast; Staying in your lane, no Donkey Piss (Key Words: 50/50 Trader, TTR)
2022-09-09 Lesson on Trends and Gann Line Useage. Conversation with Dr. V Cast about the use of the TTR, the value of group membership and sticking to the rules. (TTR, Trend, GLZ, Ganns, Rules)
2022-09-12 Candlestick Patterns and Pin Bar Names [Key Words: Patterns vs Price Action (PA)]
2022-09-13 Ball Formation and Trading without the Ball (Keywords: Training Wheels, Practice Trades, Statistics)
2022-09-14 General Conversation (key Words: Position, TRCH, Risk/Reward Ratio, Break Even)
2022-09-15 Planning Trades (Key Words: Range, Trend, Balls, Time Management, Psychology, Discount, Headroom, Looking Left)
2022-09-16 Retracements, we are discount traders. (Key Words: Gann Lines, EMA, Trends)
2022-09-19 Gambler's Mentality (Key Words: Looking Left, Evaluating Trades, Ninja vs TransAct)
2022-09-20 Do I need to trade more or trade smarter? (Trade what you see, trade when you can, Trade Results 2022) Dr. V Cast on at 11:34 discussing new tools; Trade Generator, RoadMap, Profit Calculator.
2022-09-21 Fear and Greed (Key Words: Emotions)
2022-09-22 Greed and when Do I stop trading (Key Words: Discount, Retracement, DOM, Comfort Zones, Pivot Point, Hard Stops, Rules)
2022-09--23 Over/Under Confidence (Key Words: Time, Break Even)
2022-09-26 D123 Trade and G4S3 (Key Words: Trades Not Taken, Rules)
2022-09-27: In Session Review of a Member, Planning Your Business Time (Key Words: Setting Up and Marking Trades, Trading Steps)
2022-09-28: Retracements (Key Words: States of Nature, SON)
2022-09-29: Trading Tools Presented by Doc. (Key Words: Looking Left, TTR Importance, Trades NOT Taken)
2022-09-30: What is a Good Position? (Key Words: Risk/Reward Ratio, Break Even)
2022-08-01 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Determining Position By Looking Left and Using Pivot Points
2022-08-02 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Position in Your TRCH, Clouds, and Headroom
2022-08-03 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: D123 Trade and Position
2022-08-04 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Position Using All Our Tools
2022-08-05 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Wait For Position
2022-08-08 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Trends
2022-08-09 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Position
2022-08-10 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: The Dozen Don'ts of Discount Trading
2022-08-11 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: What It Means to Be a 50/50 trader
2022-08-12 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Building Good Trading Habits
2022-08-15 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Why Is Your TTR Important? Practice Trading Using Your TTR
2022-08-16 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Practice the Way You Trade Live
2022-08-17 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Practice Methodology
2022-08-18 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: The Dangers of Practicing Concepts Out of Your Lane and Looking Left
2022-08-19 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Building Good Practice Habits
2022-08-22 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Candlestick Basics and Candlestick Patterns
2022-08-23 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: TRCH With and Without Numbers
2022-08-24 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Evaluate Both Ways
2022-08-25 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Dojis, PinBars, Double Bars, and Patterns
2022-08-26 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: The Dozen Don'ts Of Discount Trading
2022-07-01 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Recognizing Trend
2022-07-05 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Market Review
2022-07-06 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Quotes about Participation
2022-07-07 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: TTR General
2022-07-08 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Participation = Improvement
2022-07-11 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: TRCH Deconstructed
2022-07-12 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Comfort Zones
2022-07-13 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Trend Identification
2022-07-14 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Pivot Points
2022-07-15 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Candlestick Basics
2022-07-18 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Psychology and Your Trading Brain
2022-07-19 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Do I Need To Be In A Trade?
2022-07-20 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: How Your Demeanor Affects Others
2022-07-21 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Enlightened Self-Interest
2022-07-22 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Time Perception and Its Affect on Trading Psychology
2022-07-25 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: The Importance of TRCHing
2022-07-26 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Do You Ever Stop Using a Numerical TRCH?
2022-07-27 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: TRCHing and Taking The Trade
2022-07-28 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: TRCH Relating to Position
2022-07-29 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: The Origin of TRCH
2022-06-01 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Position in Relation to PA Patterns
2022-06-02 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Indecision Symbols
2022-06-03 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Maintain Consistency
2022-06-06 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Recognizing Trend
2022-06-07 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: The Importance of Following the Rules
2022-06-08 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Practicing Consistently
2022-06-09 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Why We Do the Things We Do
2022-06-10 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Reporting Numbers
2022-06-13 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Retracement WRT Position Using G4S3
2022-06-14 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Three Points of Reference Vs: Two Retracements
2022-06-15 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: List the Fundamentals
2022-06-16 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: States of Nature
2022-06-17 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Balls With EMA, Basics
2022-06-20 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: TTR General
2022-06-21 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: D13 Trade with Evals
2022-06-22 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Words that Describe Emotions
2022-06-23 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Psychology and Jim C
2022-06-24 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Notes Vs: Memory
2022-06-27 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Position
2022-06-28 LTS 10:00 Session Topic:
2022-06-29 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Wax On, Wax Off. Master the Basics First
2022-06-30 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Bringing SON,Headroom and Cloudy Stops Together
2022-05-02 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Retracements In Relation To Gambler's Mentality
2022-05-03 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Clouds, Headroom and the Psychology of Needing To Be In
2022-05-04 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Position and the Dozen Don'ts
2022-05-05 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Jim C's 10 Reminders Applied To Trend
2022-05-06 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Look Both Ways To Evaluate
2022-05-09 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: What It Means To Be A 50/50 Trader
2022-05-10 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Foundation And Breakdown TRCH
2022-05-11 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Trend Recognition
2022-05-12 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Cloudy Stops and Headroom- Looking At MM and Position
2022-05-13 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Looking Both Ways To Evaluate
2022-05-16 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Going Live and Your $3000
2022-05-17 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Psychology and the D123 Trade
2022-05-18 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Time Perception and Its Affect on Trading Psychology
2022-05-19 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Looking to the Left and Evaluating Both Ways
2022-05-20 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Controlling Emotions
2022-05-23 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Pay Attention to The Facts, Not The Emotions
2022-05-24 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Back to Basics; G4S3
2022-05-25 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Maintain Consistency
2022-05-26 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Facts About D123 and G4S3 Trades
2022-05-27 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Retraining Your Trading Brain
2022-05-31 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Candlestick Basics
2022-04-01 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Building Upon Your Firm Foundation
2022-04-04 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Building Upon Your Foundation
2022-04-05 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: DOM Demonstration
2022-04-06 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: The 4 Axioms of Trading
2022-04-07 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Controlling Your Emotions
2022-04-08 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Price Action Trading
2022-04-11 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: The 50/50 Trader and Beyond
2022-04-12 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: The 4 Axioms of Trading
2022-04-13 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Fear and Greed
2022-04-14 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Retraining Your Trading Brain
2022-04-15 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: No Classes in Observation of Good Friday
2022-04-18 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Position as In Relation To Retracement
2022-04-19 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Clouds and Headroom to Position
2022-04-20 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: What's Wrong With A Consolidating Market?
2022-04-21 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Trend Recognition
2022-04-22 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Risk Management
2022-04-25 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Why Is The Goldilocks Zone Important?
2022-04-26 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Do You Have to Take A Trade?
2022-04-27 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: The Four Attributes of the Good Trader
2022-04-28 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Jim C's 10 Reminders
2022-04-29 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Factors Leading to Gambler's Mentality
2022-03-01 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Trading Psychology and When to Stop Trading
2022-03-02 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Rules, evaluation, 50/50 trader, how to figure win percent and give #'s, process after joining, Ed gave homework
2022-03-03 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Why we aren't trade callers, importance of developing YOUR track record, building confidence and a solid foundation with first 5 consistent variables
2022-03-04 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Rules, layering contracts, evaluating trades, homework review, member #'s for the week, process after joining.
2022-03-07 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Position
2022-03-08 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: The DOM and the G7S5 Trade
2022-03-09 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Building Good Trading Habits
2022-03-10 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: What is the Goldilocks Zone?
2022-03-11 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Are You Part of the 3% or the 97%?
2022-03-14 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Contract Rollover , Member Resources, and Video FAQ
2022-03-15 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Contract Rollover, Derivatives, and Generational Wealth Development
2022-03-16 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Price Action Trading and Auction Theory
2022-03-17 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Trade Evaluation....It's Not Just Torching
2022-03-18 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Building Good Trading Habits
2022-03-21 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Looking to the Left
2022-03-22 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Advanced Trading
2022-03-23 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Price Action Trading
2022-03-24 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Attaining Your Goals
2022-03-25 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Time Perception and Its Affect on Trading Psychology
2022-03-28 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Homework Review- Every ball from 0500 to 1200
2022-03-29 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Long Vs: Short Trades
2022-03-30 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Taking Balls with the EMA and The Basics
2022-03-31 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Why So Many Balls Fill Against the EMA & Trend Beyond the EMA
2022-02-01 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Looking to the Left with Doc
2022-02-02 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Finding the Secret Sauce of Discount Trading
2022-02-03 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: TRCH
2022-02-04 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: States of Nature with Doc
2022-02-07 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Looking to the Left with Doc
2022-02-08 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: DOM in Detail
2022-02-09 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Looking Left with Doc and the Million Dollar Trader
2022-02-10 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Trading with Doc: Retracement is your Mama!
2022-02-11 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Trading with Doc: Homework
2022-02-14 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Trending Vs: Non-Trending Markets Plus Doc on Moderator Tasks
2022-02-15 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Trading with Doc
2022-02-16 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Using Math Papa
2022-02-17 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: States of Nature and Analyzing in Two Directions
2022-02-18 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Good Vs: Bad Candlestick Patterns
2022-02-21 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Trading with Doc Using States of Nature
2022-02-22 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Trading with Doc. Lessons on Capital Preservation and the 50/50 Trader
2022-02-23 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Lessons with Doc: #1 Opening Bell Gap #2 Why Millionaires Diversify
2022-02-24 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Practice Trading in Large Price Action Settings
2022-02-25 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Dealing with Adversity and the "Trade Diet"
2022-02-28 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Transparency and Torching
2022-01-03 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: New Year's Trading Resolutions
2022-01-04 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Psychology and Chasing Trades
2022-01-05 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Price Action Trading
2022-01-06 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Risk Management and Moving Your Stops
2022-01-07 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Retraining Your Trading Brain
2022-01-10 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: The Four Types of Market Conditions
2022-01-11 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Trading Psychology
2022-01-12 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Candlestick Basics
2022-01-13 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Hicks Law
2022-01-14 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Recognizing Emotion
2022-01-17 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Looking to the Left and Doc's Homework
2022-01-18 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Where in the Academy Do I Find.......?
2022-01-19 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Controlling Your Emotions
2022-01-20 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Trading Psychology: A Deeper Dive
2022-01-21 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Time Perception and It's Affect on Trading Psychology
2022-01-24 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: 200 Day Moving Average
2022-01-25 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Psychology in a Volatile Price Action
2022-01-26 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Retraining Your Trading Brain
2022-01-27 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Dojis, Double Bars, and Pin bars
2022-01-28 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Trading in High Volatility with Doc
2022-01-31 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Saving Trader Vs: Pattern Trader Vs: Intraday Trader
2021-12-01 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: General Trading Plus Doc Talk
2021-12-02 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: TRCH Demonstration
2021-12-03 LTS 0:00 Session Topic: General Trading Information and Doc Talk
2021-12-06 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Psychology and New Member Jerod Discussion
2021-12-07 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Sample Trades/ One Demonstrating the Reverse Button Function
2021-12-08 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Risk Vs: Reward
2021-12-09 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Doc with a Member/Assigned Homework
2021-12-10 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Steep Retracement Effects
2021-12-13 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Doc Zoom Calls/Assigned Homework
2021-12-14 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Trading with Doc
2021-12-15 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Chasing Points and Review Body Positioning Homework
2021-12-16 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Transparency
2021-12-17 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Risk Management
2021-12-20 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Risk Management and How It Evolves and Expands As Contracts Are Added
2021-12-21 LTS 10:00 Session Topics: Tuesday Tips with Doc, Trends, and Which Balls do we Trade?
2021-12-22 LTS 10:00 Session Topics: Evaluation of taking all balls between 5 and 12 et, Candlestick Patterns, DOM usage
2021-12-23 LTS 10:00 Session Topics: Daily hours available to trade, Trends, Auction Indecision, Cloudy Stops, Moving Stops, Risk Management
2021-12-27 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: DOM Demonstration and TRCH'ing
2021-12-28 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Academy Updates and the Delta 123 Trade
2021-12-29 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Price Action Trading
2021-12-30 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Homework with Doc
2021-12-31 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Over-reliance on TRCH scores, What to do When there is no Trend
2021-11-01 10:00 LTS Topic: Preponderance of Trade Factors
2021-11-02 10:00 LTS Topic: Minimizing Risk
2021-11-03 10:00 LTS Topic: TRCH
2021-11-04 10:00 LTS Topic: Ball Formation
2021-11-05 10:00 LTS Topic: Character Traits of the Successful Trader
2021-11-08 10:00 LTS Topic: Roadmap to Success
2021-11-09 10:00 LTS Topic: Patience and Psychology
2021-11-10 10:00 LTS Topic: DOM Demonstration
2021-11-11 10:00 LTS Topic: Group Transparency
2021-11-12 10:00 LTS Topic: Identifying the Trend
2021-11-15 10:00 LTS Topic: The Dangers of Trading in a Channel
2021-11-16 10:00 LTS Topic: Staying in Your Lane
2021-11-17 10:00 LTS Topic: Process After Becoming a Member
2021-11-18 10:00 LTS Topic: Looking to the Left
2021-11-19 10:00 LTS Topic: Members Weekly Numbers Review and Discussion
2021-11-22 10:00 LTS Topic: Using the DOM
2021-11-23 10:00 LTS Topic: Limitations of TRCH
2021-11-24 10:00 LTS Topic: General Trading Information
2021-11-29 10:00 LTS Topic: DOM Demonstration
2021-11-30 10:00 LTS Topic: Risk
2021-10-01 10:00 LTS Topics: Lack of Trend; Academy Review
2021-10-04 10:00 LTS Topics: Indecision Symbols
2021-10-05 10:00 LTS Topics: Reading Price Action; Layering Contracts
2021-10-06 10:00 LTS Topics: Ensign Settings; FOGO & FOGI
2021-10-07 10:00 LTS Topics: DOM Use; Moving Your Stops
2021-10-08 10:00 LTS Topics: Coin Flip Exercise
2021-10-11 10:00 LTS Topics: TRCH
2021-10-12 10:00 LTS Topics: Patience and Staying in Your Lane
2021-10-13 10:00 LTS Topics: Roadmap to Success and Multiple Contracts
2021-10-14 10:00 LTS Topics: Roadmap to Success and Multiple Contracts
2021-10-15 10:00 LTS Topics: The D123 Trade using the G4S3 Risk/Reward Ratio
2021-10-18 10:00 LTS Topics: Looking to the Left
2021-10-19 10:00 LTS Topics: Dan Lok's Straight Punch and Trading Other Assets
2021-10-20 10:00 LTS Topics: Extreme Volatility and G4S3 Trading
2021-10-21 10:00 LTS Topics: Looking to the Left
2021-10-21 10:00 LTS Topics: Looking to the Left
2021-10-22 10:00 LTS Topics: Roadmap to Success and the Value of Consistency
2021-10-25 10:00 LTS Topics: Trend, Pasavento Lines and Trading with Doc
2021-10-26 10:00 LTS Topics: Trading on a Naked Chart; Trading All Balls
2021-10-27 10:00 LTS Topics: Four Character Traits
2021-10-28 10:00 LTS Topics: Group Transparency: Getting into a Trade Early/Late
2021-10-29 10:00 LTS Topics: Roadmap to Success; Never Use the Reverse Button!
2021-09-01 10:00 LTS Topics: General Trade Information
2021-09-02 10:00 LTS Topics: Trend and Points of Reference
2021-09-03 10:00 LTS Topics: The 50% Trader
2021-09-07 10:00 LTS Topics: General Trade Information
2021-09-08 10:00 LTS Topics: General Trade Information
2021-09-09 10:00 LTS Topics: Contract Rollover; Trading Discipline
2021-09-10 10:00 LTS Topics: General Trade Information
2021-09-13 10:00 LTS Topics: The TransAct DOM
2021-09-14 10:00 LTS Topics: General Trade Information
2021-09-15 10:00 LTS Topics: Strategic Objectives
2021-09-16 10:00 LTS Topics: Systematic and Disciplined Trading Approach
2021-09-17 10:00 LTS Topics: Rollover and the Roadmap to Success
2021-09-20 10:00 LTS Topics: Psychology and the TransAct DOM
2021-09-21 10:00 LTS Topics: Trading with Doc
2021-09-22 10:00 LTS Topics: Long Vs: Short Trades
2021-09-23 10:00 Live trading Session: The 50% Torch
2021-09-24 10:00 LTS Topics: Comfort Levels; Risk Vs: Reward
2021-09-27 10:00 LTS Topics: Rejection and Indecision
2021-09-28 10:00 LTS Topics: General Trade Information
2021-09-29 10:00 LTS Topics: Trading Around a Fed Announcement
2021-09-30 10:00 LTS Topics: Capital Preservation
2021-08-02 10:00 LTS Topic: Looking to the Left
2021-08-03 10:00 LTS Topic: General Trading Information
2021-08-04 10:00 LTS Topic: The Dozen Don'ts
2021-08-05 10:00 LTS Topic: General Trading Information
2021-08-06 10:00 LTS Topics: General Trading Information
2021-08-09 10:00 LTS Topics: Comfort Zones
2021-08-10 10:00 LTS Topics: Psychology
2021-08-11 10:00 LTS Topics: KISS in Trading
2021-08-12 10:00 LTS Topics: Candlestick Patterns
2021-08-13 10:00 LTS Topics: General Trading Information
2021-08-16 10:00 LTS Topics: Looking to the Left
2021-08-17 10:00 LTS Topics: General Trade Information
2021-08-18 10:00 LTS Topics: Overcoming Emotions
2021-08-19 10:00 LTS Topics: Multiple Contracts; Trend Lines
2021-08-20 10:00 LTS Topics: Trading in Strong Price Action
2021-08-23 10:00 LTS Topics: Chart Basics
2021-08-24 10:00 LTS Topics: General Trade Information
2021-08-25 10:00 LTS Topics: Candlestick Basics; ROI
2021-08-26 10:00 LTS Topics: Psychology
2021-08-27 10:00 LTS Topics: Trading During ATH; Roadmap to Success
2021-08-30 10:00 LTS Topics: Ball Formation
2021-08-31 10:00 LTS Topics: Trend Talk with Doc
20210701 10:00 LTS Topic: General Trading Information
20210702 10:00 LTS Topic: DOM Demonstration
20210706 10:00 LTS Topic: Looking to the Left
20210707 10:00 LTS Topic: D123 Trade
20210708 10:00 LTS Topic: Position
20210709 10:00 LTS Topic: Comfort Zones
20210712 10:00 LTS Topic: TRCH
20210713 10:00 LTS Topic: Market Hours Here and Abroad
20210714 10:00 LTS Topic: General Trading Information
20210715 10:00 LTS Topic: Playbacks and Practicing
20210716 10:00 LTS Topic: Indecision
20210719 10:00 LTS Topic: Daily Limit
20210720 10:00 LTS Topic: Risk Management
20210720 10:00 LTS Topic: Risk Management
20210721 10:00 LTS Topic: SITT
20210722 10:00 LTS Topic: Stops and Headroom
20210723 10:00 LTS Topic: Candlestick Basics
20210726 10:00 LTS Topic: Ball Formation
20210727 10:00 LTS Topic: General Trading Information
20210728 10:00 LTS Topic: Identifying Trend
20210729 10:00 LTS Topic: Trade Nomenclature
20210730 10:00 LTS Topic: The Value of Consistency
20210601 10:00 LTS Topic: Roadmap to Success
20210602 10:00 LTS Topic: Bulls and Bears
20210603 10:00 LTS Topic: Risk/Reward Ratios in Low and High Volatility with Doc
20210604 10:00 LTS Topic: Indecision Symbols
20210607 10:00 LTS Topic: Personal Trading Style
20210608 10:00 LTS Topic: Trends and TRCH
20210609 10:00 LTS Topic: The Donchian Channel
20210610 10:00 LTS Topic: Psychology and Trading at ATH
20210611 10:00 LTS Topic: Rule Sheet Review
20210614 10:00 LTS Topic: Ball Formation
20210615 10:00 LTS Topic: TRCH Review
20210616 10:00 LTS Topic: General Trade Information
20210617 10:00 LTS Topic: General Trade Information
20210618 10:00 LTS Topic: Pasavento Patterns
20210621 10:00 LTS Topic: Trade Evaluation
20210622 10:00 LTS Topic: Roadmap to Success
20210623 10:00 LTS Topic: The 50/50 Trader
20210624 10:00 LTS Topic: The G4S3 Trade
20210625 10:00 LTS Topic: Trend and Three Points of Reference
20210628 10:00 LTS Topic: Fibonacci Retracement
20210629 10:00 LTS Topic: Evaluated 100 Trades
20210630 10:00 LTS Topic: General Trade Information
20210503 10:00 LTS Topic: Chart Basics
20210504 10:00 LTS Topic: Psychology and Trading Live
20210505 10:00 LTS Topic: Trading Rules Sheet
20210506 10:00 LTS Topic: Risk Vs: Reward
20210507 10:00 LTS Topic: Dealing with Emotions
20210510 10:00 LTS Topic: TRCH
20210511 10:00 LTS Topic: What Kind of Trader Do You Want To Be?
20210512 10:00 LTS Topic: General Trading Information
20210513 10:00 LTS Topic: General Trading Information
20210514 10:00 LTS Topic: Moving Stops Vs: SITT
20210517 10: 00 LTS Topic: Strategic Objectives
20210518 10:00 LTS Topic: Cloudy Stops
20210519 10:00 LTS Topic: Chart Basics
20210520 10:00 LTS Topic: Psychology
20210521 10:00 LTS Topic: Money Management
20210524 10:00 LTS Topic: Doc on the Probabilities of Stopping Out
20210525 10:00 LTS Topic: Basics and Patience
20210526 10:00 LTS Topics: FOMO and FOGI
20210527 10:00 LTS Topic: Building Your Track Record
20210528 10:00 LTS Topic: EMA's and Indicators
20210401 10:00 LTS Topic: TRCH Basics
20210405 10:00 LTS Topic: Trend Lines and Gann 1
20210406 10:00 LTS Topic: PA, Patience, and Planning
20210407 10:00 LTS Topic: Comparing 50-60% Trades to 55-60% Trades with Doc
20210408 10:00 LTS Topic: The 4 Qualities of the Successful Trader
20210409 10:00 LTS Topic: TRCH
20210412 10:00 LTS Topic: Ball Formation and a Go Live Interview with Doc
20210413 10:00 LTS Topic: In-depth TRCH'ing
20210414 10:00 LTS Topic: General Trading Information
20210415 10:00 LTS Topic: General Trading Information
20210416 10:00 LTS Topic: SITT and Controlling Your Emotions
20210419 10:00 LTS Topic: Money Management and the 50% Trader
20210420 10:00 LTS Topic: Shifting Stops
20210421 10:00 LTS Topic: The Candlestick Crunch Game
20210422 10:00 LTS Topic: Jiggy Trades with Doc
20210423 10:00 LTS Topic: Building Your Own Trading Style
20210426 10:00 LTS Topic: Chart Basics
20210427 10:00 LTS Topic: Chances of Losing X Trades in a Row
20210428 10:00 LTS Topic: General Trading Information
20210429 10:00 LTS Topic: Retracement and the Goldilocks Zone
20210430 10:00 LTS Topic: General Trading Information
20210301 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Ball Formation
20210302 LTS 10:00 Session Topic:
20210303 LTS 10:00 Session Topic:
20210304 LTS 10:00 Session Topic:
20210305 LTS 10:00 Session Topic:
20210308 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Rejection
20210309 LTS 10:00 Session Topic:
20210310 LTS 10:00 Session Topic:
20210311 LTS 10:00 Session Topic:
20210312 LTS 10:00 Session Topic:
20210315 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Trend Recognition
20210316 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: TRCH Review
20210317 LTS 10:00 Session Topic:
20210318 LTS 10:00 Session Topic:
20210319 LTS 10:00 Session Topic:
20210322 LTS 10:00 Session Topic:
20210323 LTS 10:00 Session Topic:
20210324 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Smiley-Faced TRCHing
20210325 LTS 10:00 Session Topic:
20210326 LTS 10:00 Session Topic:
20210329 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Cloudy Stops
20210330 LTS 10:00 Session Topic:
20210331 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Smiley-Faced TRCHing
20210201 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Partial OB Sequence
20210202 LTS 10:00 Session
20210203 LTS 10:00 Session
20210204 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: S&P and Derivatives
20210205 LTS 10:00 Session
20210208 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Trend Reversals
20210209 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Trend Recognition
20210210 LTS 10:00 Session
20210211 LTS 10:00 Session
20210212 LTS 10:00 Session
20210215 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Ball Formation
20210216 LTS 10:00 Session
20210217 LTS 10:00 Session
20210218 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Psychology
20210219 LTS 10:00 Session
20210222 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Trend Reversal
20210223 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Risk/Reward Ratio
20210224 LTS 10:00 Session
20210225 LTS 10:00 Session
20210226 LTS 10:00 Session
20210104 LTS 10:00 Session
20210105 LTS 10:00 Session
20210106 LTS 10:00 Session
20210107 LTS 10:00 Session
20210108 LTS 10:00 Session
20210111 LTS 10:00 Session
20210112 LTS 10:00 Session
20210113 LTS 10:00 Session
20210114 LTS 10:00 Session
20210115 LTS 10:00 Session
20210118 LTS 10:00 Session
20210119 LYS 10:00 Session
20210120 LTS 10:00 Session
20210121 LTS 10:00 Session
20210122 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: OB Phase 3
20210125 LTS 10:00 Session Topic: Cloudy Stops
20210126 LTS 10:00 Session
20210127 LTS 10:00 Session
20210128 LTS 10:00 Session
20210129 LTS 10:00 Session
2021-1-15 LTS 10:00
20201201_Trading Multiple Contracts, Risk Management
20201202_Trend and Evaluation
20201203_New Member Focus, Visitor Interaction. TRCH Explanation, PA Evaluation, Setting Up Charts and TA Rollover
20201204_Do's and Don'ts, Trade Evaluations
20201207_Ninja and Micros, Law of Averages, Positional Trades
20201208_G4S3 Trades, Consistency, Trading Ladder
20201209_Emotions & Trade Evaluation
20201210_TRCH System, What We Trade, Money/Risk Management, Contract Layering & Signals
20201211_Trend and Trades & Trading Rules
20201214_Goldilocks Zone of Trading/Consistency, Charting software (Ensign)
20201215_PA evaluation, Layering Contracts, Academy & Membership Benefits, Tutorial on Contract Rollover
20201216_Importance of Noting Emotional Response to the Results of A Trade
20201217_PA Evaluation, Taking Trades, Layering Contracts, Trend, EMAs
20201218_Trade Evaluation, Market Situation, Visitor Trade Rules, Q&A
20201221_Doc Talk
20201222_Efficiency of Group & System, Using TRCH, Protecting Capital, Defining Trend
20201223_Trend Recognition
20201224_Trend and Psychology, Staying in the Trade
20201228_Following the Rules, Market Analysis and D123 Trading
20201229_Layering Contracts, Psychology, Benefits of Education
20201230_Fear and Greed
20201231_Multi Contract Trading, DCA, WHY you HAVE to Grown Your Acct to a Multi Contract Level
20201102_Brinksmanship with Doc
20201104_Consistency in Trading, Break Even, Discount Trading, SA & Cloudy Stops Plus some Doc Talk
20201105_D123 Trades, Cloudy Stops, Scaling In and Executing Bracket Orders for Naked Trades
20201106_Risk/Reward Ratio, Trade Evaluation, Market Situation
20201109_Fear & Greed, Utilizing the Win/ Loss Chart, Market Evaluation
20201110_System Protection
20201111_Scalability, 50% Trader
20201112_Breakout VS Channeling, Situational Awareness
20201113_Trade Evaluation, Visitor Trade Rules, Market Situation
20201116_TRCH, Contract Scaling, PA Evaluation
20201117_TRCH & Trading Multiple Contracts
20201118_Patience & Discipline
20201119_TRCH Application, PA Evaluation and Interactions
20201120_Q&A, Trade Evaluation, Visitor Trade Rules & Market Situation
20201123_New Member Focus, TRCH, PA Evaluation, Increasing Contracts, Signals
20201124_Market Analysis, Situational Awareness
20201125_Market VS Trends, Following the Rules
20201127_Trade Evaluation, Visitor Trade Rules, Market Situation
20201130_New Member Focus, TRCH, PA Evaluation, Increasing Contracts, Academy and Live Classes
20201001_ Price Action, Market Situation, Visitor Trade Rules
20201002_ Trade Evaluations, Visitor Trade Rules, Market Situation
20201005_ Sim Trading and Retracements
20201006_ Retracements and Cloudy Stops/Following the Rules
20201007_ Retracements, Headroom, G4S3 Trading Approach
20201008_ Strategic Objectives, Trade Evaluations, Market Situation
20201009_Trade Evaluations, Visitor Trade Rules, Market Situation
20201012_4 Axioms of Trading, Win Ratios
20201013_Price Action and Market Behavior
20201014_Psychology of Trading
20201015_Trading in the Goldilocks Zone, G4S3, Risk Management
20201016_Trade Evaluations, Visitor Trade Rules, Market Situation
20201019_Dollar Cost Average & 4 Axioms of Trading
20201020_Auction Theory, Price Actions, EMA's, Trading Multiple Contracts
20201021_OODA Loop, Risk Reward Ratio, CFD's, Goldilocks Zone
20201022_Trade Evaluation, Market Situation, Visitor Trade Rules
20201023_Trade Evaluation, Market Situation, Visitor Trade Rules
20201026_60/40% Win Ratio, OODA Loop, Mentality of Trading
20201027_ntroduction to Trading, EMA's
20201028_Go Live Interview for Moderators
20201029_Trade Evaluation, Visitor Trade Rules, Market Situation
20201030_Mentor Homework Session on the 4 States of Nature
20200901_ Trade Evaluation, Visitor Trade Rules, Market Situation
20200902_ Contract for Difference, Market Situation, Visitors Trade Rules
20200903_ Trade Evaluation, Comfort Levels, and Market Situation
20200904_ Trade and Trend Evaluation, Market Situation, and Visitor Trade Rules
20200908_ Why Trade the S&P 500 Emini, Trending Market, Short Trading
20200909_ 4 Axioms of Trading, Strategic Objectives
20200910_ Retracement and Trend, Visitors Trade Rules & Market Situation
20200911_ Headroom for Profit, Visitors Trade Rules & Market Situation
20200914_ Retracements
20200915_ Trend & Positions, Cloudy Stops and Headroom for Profit
20200916_ G4S3, Retracements, Headroom
20200917_ TRCH and Trading in the Goldilocks Zone
20200921_ Volume and Wicks TRCH Evaluation
20200924_ Comfort Levels, Trade Evaluation, Market Situation
20200925_ Trade Evaluations, Visitor Trade Rules, Market Situation
20200928_ Exponential Moving Average, Moving Averages & Situational Awareness
20200929_ Trading Multiple Contracts (Impact on TTR when using G4S3 method)
20200930_ Risk Reward Ratio & TRCH Application
20200803_ Retracements, Discounts, and Consistency
20200804_Investors VS Economic Balance of Market, Retracements and EMA’s
20200805_ Auction Theory, Retracements, Q and A for Visitors
20200806_ Headroom for Profit, Trading Rule, Market Situation
20200807_ Current Trend, Headroom for Profit, Auction Indecision Symbols
20200810_ Trading Psychology and Probability, TRCH & EMA’s
20200811_ Retracements and Trend
20200812_ Channel Trading with Doc, Changing Stops, TRCH
20200813_ Headroom for Profit, Rule Sheet, Market Situation
20200814_ Trade Evaluation, Visitor Trade Rules, Market Situation
20200817_ Position & Trend and Dollar Cost Averaging
20200818_ Situational Awareness and Trends & Pull Back
20200819_ Trade Evaluation and All Time Highs
20200820_ Contract for Difference, Market Situation, Visitors Trade Rules and Concept
20200821_ Candle Stick Patterns, Price Movement and Headroom For Profit
20200824_ Trend, Price Action, Rules of Trading, and Intuition
20200825_ Difference Between Stock and Futures Trading, Position and Short Trading, Transact AT (Broker)
20200826_ 4 Axioms of Trading, Value of Trading, and Consistency
20200827_ Trading Signals (EMA’s), Our Standard G4S3 Trading Sequence
20200828_ What We Trade, Importance of Following the Rules, Building Consistency
20200831_ Headroom for Profit, Market Situation, and Visitor Trade Rules
20200701_ Less Is More
20200702_ Fibonacci, Position and Trend
20200706_ The Psychology of Trading, Trend and Retracement
20200708_ Retracements and Market Volatility
20200709_ 4 Axioms of Trading, Trend and Retracement, OODA Loop
20200710_ How to Evaluate Trades, Trading Rules and Market Situation
20200713_ The Difference Between SPX, SPY & ES, Stopping Out Trades, How to Evaluate Green Ball after a HH
20200714_ Strategic Objectives (Roadmap to Success), What are Cloudy Stops, D123 Trade and Price Action
20200715_ Analyzing Price Rejection and Volatility, The Changes When Moving From Sim Trading to Live Trading
20200716_ Higher Highs & Higher Lows, Trading Rule Sheet, Market Situation
20200717_ Current Trend, Comfort Levels, Market Situation
20200720_ 4 Axioms of Trading
20200721_ Break Even Points In Trading, Momentum, Donchain Channel
20200722_ Paradigm Shift with Doc and Risk Analysis
20200723_ Trend and Retracement, Visitors Trade Rules, and Market Situation
20200724_ Trend and Retracement, Visitors Trade Rules, and Market Situation
20200727_Trend and TRCH Guidelines, G4S3 Standard Trades, Money Management
20200728_ Turn around Signal, Headroom for Profit, Market Situation
20200729_ G4S3 Standard Trade Application, Trading on a Discount
20200730_Importance of Position, Coin Flip Challenge, 4 Axioms of Trading
20200731_ How to Evaluate Trend, Turnaround Signal, Auction Indecision Symbols
20200601_ We’re Discount Traders!
20200602_ TSRH, G4S3 Trades, and Risk Management
20200603_ Rules of Trading and Trade Signals
20200604_ Trading with the Trend, Trading G4S3, Cloudy Stops
20200605_ Auction Indecision Symbols – Candle Stick Pattern
20200608_ Risk and Money Management
20200609_ 4 Axioms of Trading
20200610_ Trading Basics
20200611_ Candle Stick Patterns and Trading with the Trend
20200612_ Retracments and Q&A
20200615_ Retracements
20200616_ Learning the Fundamentals of D123
20200617_ Recognizing Basic Candlestick Formation and Rules of the D123 Trade
20200618_ Following the Rules, Two D123 Trades That Meet The Rules!
20200619_ Auction Indecision Symbols, Candlestick Patterns & How to Evaluate A Trade
20200622_ OODA Loop, Trend Clarifications, Advantages to Futures vs Fortex and the SP500
20200623_ Positional Trading When There Is No Clear Trend
20200624_ OODA Loop and Rules, Trend & Position, TRCH
20200625_ 5 Minute Charts, G7S5
20200626_ Auction Indecision Symbols and How to Evaluate A Trade
20200629_ Trading Psychology and The 4 Axioms of Trading
20200630_ Auction & Indecision Symbols, Turnaround Signals, The G4S3
20200501_ Candle Stick Patterns, Short Trading, Q&A with Robin and Jeff
20200504_ Mitigating Risk, Situational Awareness
20200505_ Elements of Trading VS Coin Flip
20200506_Market Situation & Gold
20200507_ Difference between Options and Futures, How to Evaluate a Trade
20200508_ Risk Reward Ratio and Money Management
20200511_ Emotions in Trading, Transparency and Comfort Levels
20200512_Using NQ with ES
20200513_Doc Keeping It Simple With The Rules
20200514_Following the Rules/Patience/Discipline D123 trading
20200515_ Auction Indecision Symbols, Investment Tools, and Market Situation
20200518_ TRCH Definition
20200519_ Roadmap to Success, The Rubber band Analogy, Trade Torching
20200520_ TRCH, Situational Awareness, Cloudy Stops and Trading with The Trend
20200521_ Candle Stick Patterns and Market Situation
20200522_ How to Evaluate Trades, Trading Rules, Market Situation
20200526_ Market Situation
20200527_ Clearing the Stops
20200528_ Following the Rules and Consistency
20200529_ Basics of Trading, What is the Emini?
20200401_ Following the Rules, Special Guest Jessica H.
20200402_ Mitigating Risk, and Following the Rules
20200403_ Following the Rules, Retracements, Cloudy Stops
20200406_ D123 Trading , Why Engineers are Tough to Train
20200407_ Trend Recognition
20200408_ Visitor Trading Rules, Strategic Objectives, Building Consistency
20200409_ What Is Price Action, Strategic Objectives, Market Situation
20200413_Trading with the Trend
20200414_ Look To Your Left! Comfort Levels w/ Doc
20200415_ Trade Evaluations and Market Situation
20200416_ Trade Evaluations and Market Situation
20200417_ 4 Axioms of Trading
20200420_ Following The Rules
20200421_ Market Situation
20200422_ Following the Rules, Trading with the Trend, Q&A with Ed and Gibbs
20200423_ Emotions in Trading, Trade Evaluations, Visitor Trade Rules
20200424_ Following the Rules, Trading with the Trend
20200428_ Trading with the Trend, Market Situation
20200429_ Situational Awareness and Position
20200430_ Retracements, Short Trading, Q&A with Ed and Gibbs
20200302_ Stay in Your Lane w/ Doc
20200303_ Playback During Extreme Volatility – Follow the Rules!
20200304_ Following the Rules in Volatility with a 3 Point Stop
20200305_What is Trend, Retracement, Cloudy Stops & Headroom For Profit
20200306_ Mitigating Risk, Trading in Volatile Markets
20200309_ Volatility and Limit Down Triggers for Protection
20200310_ Situational Awareness Break Even Formula
20200311_ Keeping our Traders Safe in Severe Volatility
20200312_ Current Trend, How to Make Money When the Market is Up & Down, Coronavirus
20200313_ Trend in the Market
20200316_ Buying at a Discount
20200317_ Following the Rules in a Volatile Market – Doc & Rob Trading
20200318_ Following the Rules in a Volatile Market & COVID-19
20200319_ The 4 Rules Applied To Trading, Market Situation
20200320_ Following The Rules & Market Recovery
20200323_ Explanation of the DOM, Cloudy Stops & 4 Rules on Evaluating A Trade
20200324_ Emotions in Trading, Trade Evaluations, Market Situation
20200325_ The Difference Between Trades and Contracts, Trade Evaluations, Market Situation
20200326_ Trade Evaluations, Market Situation
20200327_ What Makes A Good Trade, Indicators, Fishing in the Wrong Pond
20200330_ Position of Key
20200331_ D123/Trading with the Trend, Patience & Discipline in Trading
20200203_ D123 Trades and Following The Rules
20200204_ Trading with the Trend, Volatility and Cloudy Stops
20200205_ Risk Reward Ratio, Market Situation and Current Trend
20200206_ Risk Reward Ratio, Market Situation and Current Trend
20200207_ Trading Volatility, Stops, Risk Management
20200210_ D123, Following The Rules
20200211_ Trading at ATH
20200212_ Following The Rules
20200213_ Rule Sheet, Market Situation, and Current Trend
20200214_ Mitigating Risk, Following The Rules, Q & A for Visitors
20200218_ 4 Axioms of Trading with Doc
20200219_ Trade What You See Not What You Think
20200220_ The Trend
20200221_ ATH, Discount Trading and Mitigating Risks
20200224_ Trading with a Clear Stop In Volatility
20200225_ Extreme Volatility and Preserving Capital
20200226_ Following the Rules
20200227_ How to Evaluate a Trade, Market Situation and Current Trend
20200228_ Following the Rules, Volatility, Mitigating Risk
20200103_ Trading with the Trend, Risk Management
20200106_ Trading with the Discount
20200107_ 4 Axioms of Trading
20200108_ Trading with the D123 Rules
20200109_ Trading with a Discount
20200110_ Trading with the Trend & Situational Awareness
20200113_ Trend & Retracement, Special Guest: Derek & Cody
20200114_ Cloudy Stops & Headroom, Special Guest: Derek & Cody
20200115_ How to Evaluate a Trade, Market Situation and Current Trend
20200116_ Road Map to Success, Risk/Reward Ratio, Trading Objectives
20200117_ Risk Management & Trading with the Trend
20200121_ Following the Rules, Using Position
20200122_ Risk & Reward Ratio, Trend and Retracement
20200123_ Preservation of Capital, Candlestick Patterns, and Market Situation
20200124_ Risk Management and Psychology in Trading
20200127_ Trading In a Volatile Market
20200128_ Trading with a Discount
20200129_ Trading in Volatility, Following the Rules
20200130_ Retracements, short Trades, Q&A for Visitors
20200131_ Cloudy Stops